Why Libertarianism Is Nonsense - Deconstructing Freedom


Word count:34839

understanding libertarianism and freedom this episode is going to be an advanced deconstruction of the ideology of libertarianism and that is a very important first point is that libertarianism is an ideology and it suffers from many of the same problems that any ideology suffers from we'll be talking about that a lot more as we go here warning to any of you libertarians in the audience this is going to hurt your ideology will get savaged and completely destroyed here but there is a silver lining in that if you stop being ideological just stop and decide to actually think through your worldview with an open mind and this takes a lot of open-mindedness to understand some of the advanced points that I'll be presenting here this will transform you it will not only transform your ideas naive ideas about community society and government and politics but perhaps even more importantly than that it will transform your view of mankind and your relationship and role within humanity and society because your current worldview you're a libertarian worldview is holding you back from a deeper understanding of reality and achieving higher levels of development for yourself personally so this issue goes please understand it goes way beyond politics I've spent a few years now studying carefully especially American politics studying all the stuff that's been going on trying to dissect and deconstruct it from a from a sort of a higher perspective mmm from an existential metaphysical epistemological perspective to see what what the confusion is about and I've watched a lot of debates about with libertarians arguing for their worldview I've listened to many many many of their points and over the time as I was listening to it I was compiling a list of all the errors that they're making metaphysically epistemologically spiritually and so forth which is creating problems in their worldview that's getting I'm stuck and so this is a this is a very popular ideology that's in vogue these days you just absorb it from your culture if you grew up in America or other places like that and you don't know that you've absorbed this ideology becomes like a virus that gets lodged in your mind and it starts to metastasize like a cancer and it creates a lot of collective problems but it also holds you back personally individually so we'll be addressing all of that my critiques here of libertarianism I want to understand they're not coming from an ideological place the way that many critiques that you might find on YouTube are this is a very sophisticated analysis it's going to be bringing in advanced concepts from various fields from spirituality to non duality to metaphysics to epistemology to moral philosophy and so forth you probably have not heard this level of depth of analysis about libertarianism or even society or government ever in your life and you probably won't find it anywhere else on YouTube or on the Internet so just you know appreciate what's what's here if you can stick with me for the next two hours your whole view of reality will change if you're a libertarian so let's begin at the very beginning let's kind of ground our conversation here what are we talking about what is libertarianism here's a quote to get us started from Wikipedia quote libertarianism is a political philosophy and movement that upholds Liberty as a core principle libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy emphasizing individualism freedom of choice and voluntary Association libertarians share a skepticism of Authority and state power but they diverge on the scope of their opposition to the existing economic and political systems and quote that's a very good starting point of course it's rather vague but we get to see a little bit of what what's going on here and of course it's important to to note that not all libertarians are the same there's there's diversity in their perspectives some are really anti-government Celler only mildly anti-government so we'll be covering the full range he but even though libertarians especially like to cite that all my libertarianism is different from some other libertarianism maybe it's not so different there are some core pillars that I've identified by listening to a lot of libertarians debate and argue their points which sort of form the core or the heart of their worldview so here are these pillars most libertarians believe whether explicitly but especially implicitly that freedom is an absolute good they sort of treat freedom as the ultimate goal to maximize freedom at all cost they also generally tend to think that taxation is immoral or they just say outright a taxation is theft they also are big on personal responsibility fundamentally they believe that personal responsibility is what will solve most of society's problems and that if something is wrong in society it's usually because there's a lack of personal responsibility people make bad choices and then of course yeah they have to they have to reap what they sow and live with their consequences so for example a libertarian might believe that well did you get cancer but you didn't have health insurance in America for example well whose whose fault is that is that our entire collective systems fault the government's fault or is it your fault for not getting a good job with health insurance that covered you because you should have you should have foreseen that you would might have gotten cancer and so therefore it's your fault and so tough tough luck if you get cancer you don't have health insurance yeah you might die but that's because you didn't take personal responsibility and that's correct that's how society should work that's what they believe they also tend to believe that individualism is good while collectivism is bad it's all about individual freedom individual responsibility individual rights individualism and that if we're selling any of that out to collectivism that's somehow wrong it is an infringement upon my individual freedoms who are you to tell me that I'm supposed to sacrifice for some collective when really we're all just individuals they also tend to believe that the free market this very special notion in their worldview called the free market it plays a pivotal role in their worldview they believe that this will solve all of social problems or most social problems can be solved by the free market so if we just stop interfering with the free market which is what they think government is doing if we just stop interfering and we let the free market play out naturally without any manipulation then that will result in the best possible society the least oppression and the most freedom for everybody and the most moral outcome they believe that this special term they like to use monopoly of force or the use of force is inherently immoral monopoly of force here means that well basically your government has a monopoly of force in the sense that they control the military they control the police and they will use these physical instruments of force to coerce you to follow the laws to pay the taxes and so forth and since really as an individual we can't fight against that in a certain sense we've been enslaved by our government by this idea of monopoly of force and the libertarian views such as they have a view like this where they say that any situation in which you come to me and you try to force me to do something as inherently immoral like if I have a farm and you come to my farm you try to force me to give you give you half of my crop as tax or you try to take part of my plot of land for yourself you know something like this like you try to steal something from my property you try to maybe rape my children this would be a use of force is inherently immoral and shouldn't exist libertarians generally speaking are very moralistic they tend to have a strong sense of morality and their sense of morality is not relativistic but Objectivist in the sense that they think that there are clear rights and wrongs in the world that are inherently part of I guess the fabric of the universe where things like war theft maybe genocide slavery rape these are immoral and absolute wrongs that these are universals we'll talk a lot more about that in a moment they also have a strong notion of natural rights and personal property rights they tend to believe that these are just inherent like when mankind was living in the pre civilization era hmm in a more simpler time people had personal property rights and those could be respected basically generally speaking we could know you know this is my plot of land that's your plot of land and there are certain natural rights that we have for example the natural life the right to life the natural right to not get tortured the natural right to be able to raise a family and to not get you know our house robbed and these sorts of things they tend to believe that regulations are bad because they infringe upon freedom and that society will be better by removing all these needless bureaucratic regulations that are just getting so overblown today with big government speaking of which they generally think that small government is better than big government and so anything big government they basically don't like because fundamentally they think like this government can get very corrupt and the bigger the government gets the more corrupt it gets so of course we want to reduce that to make it smaller they tend to really be champions of free speech and they tend to want unlimited free speech as much as possible the less regulation the better because supposedly the idea is that it's okay to have unlimited free speech because we've got a marketplace this free more of ideas and philosophies and so what will happen is just naturally people will come out into the public forum they will discuss various philosophies and belief systems and eventually the best ones through some evolutionary market process will win out and all the bad ones will wither on the vine and in general I've noticed that libertarians tend to be very principled and idealistic and moreso principled than philosophical than they are utilitarian or pragmatic so rather than asking the question of like okay how do we create the best government and then try to get find some answers by like reading some books or actually doing some some tests in the real world that sort of stuff rather than doing that they tend to adopt ideals and principles of freedom and morality and so forth and then they kind of recent backwards from that to say okay so if that is the ultimate objective those are the ultimate principles that's my worldview then what kind of government will that sort of result in that fits my ideals that's how that they did I think so those are the core principles we'll be addressing all of these in great detail but I guess it should go without saying but these principles are the whole the whole world view it's a world view of libertarianism is immature it's juvenile it's naive it's arrogant it's entitled it's a historical it's utopian it's self biased its ideological it's got an inherent masculine bias to it which is why you don't find as many female libertarians as male libertarians and usually these male libertarians also tend to be sort of on the younger side they tend to be white more than minorities and there's there's important reasons for that which we'll get to and fundamentally libertarians sin to be selfish there's a fundamental profound misunderstanding of how government society and community works which is what we'll be discussing today so if you're not a libertarian this is still very valuable for you because actually what we're talking about here is not libertarianism per se we're talking about a deep understanding of what community is what is community what makes community work at this this seems like a sort of a simple question but it's not so simple at all it's very complicated it's very counterintuitive it's tricky so we have to be very open minded about investigating how community works we can't come into this saying like well I already know how it all works no how does it really work what are all the nuances and I guess to reach a hand out to you libertarians because I empathize with you you know sometimes I'm kind of snarky and I will talk [ __ ] about your worldview but on the other hand I understand where you're coming from I totally understand your worldview I understand its appeal given your stage of development and consciousness and you know I understand that because when I was maybe 15 or 18 years old and that in that range late high school early college I had a libertarian streak to me as well I was very rebellious very independence didn't like to follow Authority why don't you just be left alone didn't really care about collectivist issues or you know community resource I think I was just sort of a loner doing my own thing and I just kind of wanted wanted a political philosophy that just reflected my sort of sense of individuality in the world like don't don't intrude on what I'm doing let let everybody just do what they want to do what's wrong with that but I quickly I quickly outgrew that worldview once I started to you know study deeper these issues and it might surprise you but ironically if you know they have that political compass where they have like two axes one going up and down one going left and right one of the axes represents basically authoritarianism versus libertarianism and then the other axis represents what does it represent I forget is it like economic values or some like that anyways so on on that compass I took the test not that long ago and I came out my my libertarian score is very high now of course that's sort of a different different definition of what libertarian means but like in general I'm very Pro individual freedoms that's very so I'm not completely discounting that and I'm not some authoritarian here who's sitting here arguing for some tyrannical or a monarch achill style of government I think that for example what's what's going on in China and in Russia sort of the dictatorial and authoritarian tendencies in those countries and in Brazil and other places around the world right now that that's a very problematic and it's unsustainable so that's not what I'm out arguing for so just be careful not to immediately dismiss my critiques simply because you feel threatened that this you know contradicts your worldview and also I should point out that many of the points that I'll be making here will also apply to anarchism that's also a that's also one of those ideologies that can be aligned with libertarianism or it can be separate you know it varies their right-wing versions of anarchism their left-wing versions of anarchism but anarchists are also generally sort of on this idea that well if we just if if we get rid of the state if we minimize the government then we can live in a more in a more sort of peaceful flat hierarchy community which will be more like in in tune with nature and all this sort of stuff oh yeah I remembered so on that political compass up and down was like libertarianism and then left and right was actually yeah just left left and right whether you're liberal or conservative so I I've use just to be clear I'm very liberal and I'm also very libertarian both I fall into that quadrant but anyways here we go so point number one and this is perhaps the most important point and this is actually something that you will benefit from even if you have no interest in politics or libertarianism is freedom what is freedom libertarians fundamentally misunderstand freedom and not just libertarians but many others as well fundamentally misunderstand freedom freedom you need to understand this is now we're getting to the actual metaphysics of freedom this is deep stuff right off the bat so brace yourself the metaphysics of freedom see most people have never actually bothered to sit down and to contemplate and think deeply about what freedom is what they've done is they've gotten some ideas from external sources some viruses that are done suck in their minds an ideology about freedom and they have developed a sort of myth of what freedom is true freedom is an extremely radical thing and it is not some absolute good at least not from the perspective of a life form or an individual human what is freedom in its most abstract sense its complete lack of limitation of any kind going even further when we get to the actual substance of reality itself to the sort of to the molecular level you might say freedom at this level is actually it's a freedom from form even so what I'm saying is that to be totally free you have to be completely unlimited in every possible way you can't be any particular way that's the cost there's an existential trade-off here between degrees of freedom and having any kind of material concrete existence whatsoever think about this for a cat to be a cat it has to be a cat and it can't be a dog or a lion or a human or a kangaroo or an alien or a rock or a tree or something else you might say well Gallio that's obvious so what yeah wait a minute really think this through not so what what that means is is that if you want to incarnate as a cat you're committed to the limitations of that form so cat has four legs the cat has a certain size it has a tail it has eyes it has ears all of these are limitations there of course there are also possibilities because the ears can pick up certain sounds the eyes can pick up certain frequencies of light radiation the legs can allow the cat to jump to certain heights the tail can allow it to you know balance while it's running and many other things like this so there's always trade-offs though when you have a form a particular form of a cat a cat can't fly a cat can't dive underwater a cat can't do calculus there's a million things that a cat can't do and yet of course you can you can say well let's remove some of those restrictions okay well we'll remove some of those restrictions and we'll turn the cat into a human okay so now it seems like well does that give to the cat more ability if it's a human now well of course if you turn a cat into a human now you completely forget that it was even a cat it's just a human okay it's a human but then human has its own limitations a human can't jump as high as a cat human doesn't have fur so it gets called more easily outside in the winter time than a cat would a human can't meow like a cat a human doesn't have a sensitive smell as a cat maybe not as sensitive ears as a cat and many other things but of course humans have many other great opportunities we might have better color vision we have bigger brains we can do math we can do all sorts of interesting things that cats can't do so who's better is a human better than cat well of course not it's their different trade-offs here so what I want you to notice that every form has its own trade-offs and you know a form is anything it doesn't have to be an animal doesn't have to be a sentient being it could be a rock it can be a tree it could be a car it doesn't matter but whatever it is it's got its limits now you say okay but I want freedom I want total freedom because this is what the libertarian is sort of fooling himself into thinking that he wants total absolute freedom because absolute freedom is an absolute good well but do you realize what that means absolute freedom means that you have no form whatsoever because if you're a cat you're limited if you're a human you're limited if you're a rock you're limited if you're a car you're limited if you're the earth you're limited if you're the entire universe you're still limited the only truly unlimited thing is emptiness or form I mean emptiness or formlessness this is otherwise known as pure consciousness or infinity absolute infinity such a thing does exist believe it or not in fact it is the thing which is aware of everything in your experience it is your ultimate fundamental nature but this is not conducive to survival as a living being when we're talking about the domain of politics we're talking about survival community is about collective survival and your individual life is about individual survival these are relative concerns which are separate from from the absolute at least for the sake of our discussion here so what needs to be understood about freedom is that freedom will kill you if you get it in the absolute form if you could press a button right now and this button will give you absolute freedom and you are stupid enough to press that button you have to realize you're gonna be dead you're gonna be gone you're gonna you're gonna turn into a into a cloud of vapor and even that will dematerialize and it'll just you'll be pure nothing there will be nothing left there will not be society there will not be your body don't that be your mind there will not be a planet there will not be a universe there will be nothing that's absolute freedom now if you want something to exist something material then we're gonna talk about limitation and now everything that we're talking about is gonna be within the domain of limitation the only question will be what kind of limitations what are the trade-offs and consequences of different choices in limitation that we decide upon so if you want to exist as a human you're committing yourself to a certain set of limitations if you want to live in a certain society that allows for certain things to happen like it has roads it has bridges it has an electrical grid those are all limitations and we have to to work with those limitations so see freedom is very counterintuitive deeply counterintuitive because when you allow for total freedom let's now talk about not in the absolute sense but total freedom within within the limited material world and we're gonna be talking about here planet Earth and the humans that live on it so let's let's rewind the clock to maybe ten or a hundred thousand years ago where most humans were just living out in the forests in the wilderness by themselves in small tribes and you say okay yeah they were free everybody was free back then that's sort of the myth of freedom but again be very careful here what freedom means in this context is that when you have freedom freedom doesn't just mean that you're gonna get all the good stuff that you want freedom means that others are also free to do what they want to do so you see the problem here we have different agents in the world we have you we have me we have others they're all agents all these agents humans they have their own ideas opinions world views and they have their own survival needs they're surviving in different ways depending on what they need for their survival now of course we share certain things in common like food water air that we need and so forth but even with food you know we have different we have different needs as far as what kind of food we need certain people will dive with certain kind of food that others won't so when you have all these different agents here is sort of the crux of the problem of government is how do you get all these agents to work together peacefully so that it doesn't turn into total barbarism and devilry how because each one of them has their own opinion about how they should live their life and how others should live their life see it's not just that I have my own opinions about how I should live my life no no it goes way beyond beyond that I have opinions about how my children should live their life I have opinions about how my family should live their by life I have opinions about how women should live their life how men should live their life how gay people should live their life or maybe they shouldn't even exist maybe that's my opinion how black people should live their life or white people or what Asian people or whatever and so see it's not it's not just that we're we're just you know controlling our own behavior but then we have expectations for how we want others to behave as well and we try to boss them around and when they don't behave the way we want them to be was hey stop you're not doing what I want you to do but you see the problem we're already starting getting to the problem of relativity which we'll be discussing in great detail in a minute here but uh the the relativity here is that I want you to do things my way and you want me to do things your way so how do we adjudicate which way things should be done who's to say which is the right way to do things this is precisely why libertarians need to rely very strongly on a notion of objective morality they need that notion so they can appeal to it to say I leo yes maybe you're right but there's this universal overarching set of mortals that all of us generally agree to and should obey such as don't kill other people with unless it's in self-defense don't don't take any aggressive action don't force people to do things don't steal their property don't rape their children and so forth we can all agree on that that's kind of how they think but the problem of course is that we can't agree on that if we could agree on that then government would be so easy and then libertarians might be right then we could live in a very flat hierarchy with the little government and things would work pretty well because we all are on the same page but we're not all on the same page that's the problem and we'll get into that in a minute here in more detail the morality and the relativity of how this works because I know you libertarians are really really sensitive about this point when I bring up and start to question your moral system the objectivity of it and start to imply that morality might be relativistic this this is a no-go zone for you because this is this is the attacking the very heart and foundation of your worldview and so you're gonna be extremely resistant to what I'm saying here just I urge you to keep an open mind because you are wrong about this and if you just keep an open mind I will be able to show you why you're wrong you are wrong but in the mean time you're not gonna want to hear it so just be careful how your mom your own mind kind of has its biases and preferences and discounts what I say so here's what you got I've said about freedom freedom is the freedom to oppress people that's what freedom means if I am totally free that means I am free to kill you to enslave you to steal your stuff to rape you did you genocide on your people and to do whatever I want that's freedom be careful here because your mind is gonna want to deny this because your mind has construed freedom as something that's good and positive it's an absolute good so now when I tell you that freedom also includes the freedom to oppress others now you're you're caught in this cognitive dissonance situation where on the one hand you know freedom is an absolute good but on the other hand here I am telling you that all this bad stuff comes from freedom how can this be so surely Leo must be wrong because freedom is an absolute good we've all been taught that right well here's where you have to stop parroting what you've been taught and you have to start to question ideas in your mind where do they come from are they really true is freedom really an absolute good if you contemplate just even for a little bit about freedom it's quite obvious it's obvious as day that true freedom means not just my freedom to do good stuff like raise a family and run a business and have a farm and own property know this it means oppression I get to oppress you I get to enslave you of course so do you to me I'm not saying that I'm the only one who has these freedoms if we're talking about true freedom that means I have this freedom and you have this freedom so then you see the problem who's gonna win out are my freedoms gonna trump your freedoms or are your freedoms gonna trump my freedoms what happens when two different agents sentient agents with different survival agendas different world views come together and now they're in conflict because their freedoms are now interpenetrating and interfering with one another how is that situation going to be handled that's what I really want to press Q to contemplate as a libertarian those are the really tricky edge cases upon which all of government is built it's easy to talk about absolute freedom when people are living far away from each other somewhere in the rural countryside where each one of us has a you know 100 acre plantation we raise our family on it we rarely see other people we don't have neighbors or if we do have neighbors our neighbors look like us same race say same ethnicity same general worldview same moral system same religion same ethical code all this sorts of stuff and we get along and there's basic trade and this sort of stuff happens and it's sort of peaceful you kind of imagine this sort of you know ideal ik mode of human existence but anywhere in the history of mankind where there was such a mode of existence there was also oppression there was also those people who didn't agree with those moral systems there were people who are different from outside who might want to come in and pillage your farmland take your land take your crops take your children take your wife rape them enslave them force you to work for them tax you every every season and so on and now here for the libertarian says well leo of course I'm not stupid I understand that of course human history had a lot of this kind of oppressiveness in it which is precisely why we as libertarians believe that that's immoral and that's wrong and that that that that violates Leo that violates the libertarian philosophy so what are you talking about what I'm talking about is that you yourself don't understand the consequences of your philosophy you have a roast colored glass view of your own philosophy you don't you haven't actually thought through the consequences what I'm describing to you now is libertarian and inaction because if we have a bunch of farmers just living you know we have a thousand farmers living across a giant plot of land and they all are able to get along peacefully and they're all able to divide the land equally and stay off each other's property and respect each other's rights and so forth this is sort of what you invent envisioned as a libertarian but then what happens think of this what happens with would one of those gets a little bit more ambition a little bit of ego and says hmm you know why am i toiling away in the fields of my little farm for 10 20 30 years until I die you know working from dawn until dusk on these crops and barely scraping by barely making a living why am I doing this when what I could do is I could go to my friends to five of my neighboring farmer friends and we will create a collective a syndicate or a cabal we will create a syndicate or will form a pact where we agree that we're gonna be working together to conquer all the other farmers and if we succeed in this they will all be working for us and we won't have to farm another day in our life we'll just be collecting dividends we'll also gather the most beautiful women to get as our concubines and wives and other resources that are available out there will pillage them and steal them or will will find some way to squeeze those who are less powerful than us because you know how can one individual farmer fight against five other farmers who have formed a collective against him the only way is if he is exceedingly rich and wealthy already such that he maybe he can hire some mercenary army to defend him but if that's not available or he's not that rich then the his only other option is to also form a collective so I form a collective here with five farmers he now has to form a collective of ten farmers to overpower these five farmers and then who's gonna win out well now it's an arms race whoever stronger faster more ruthless more vicious all of this that I'm describing is happening within a free marketplace there's nobody saying any rules there's no government here it's just individual people farmers so if farmers decide they want to call coordinate as a group nothing is stopping them who's gonna stop them and after all is it morally wrong for five farmers to come together start to coordinate towards some larger goal or some some larger project maybe at first this starts off as just a knot not a vicious campaign of domination and you know war learning and marauding but if it could start off is like the five five farmers come together and they just want to build some more advanced irrigation system that will benefit all those five farmers well okay what's wrong with that are you gonna prevent them from doing that as a libertarian now of course you're gonna allow that there's nothing to prevent it so of course you're going to and of course they will do it because when humans come together and work in a coordinated way they can accomplish amazing things that enhance their survival it's not simply that if you take five farmers and combine them together that they will produce the same amount of crop output as they would as five individuals there's gonna be a cumulus Hort of a cumulative geometric effect if we get five farmers together and they start to coordinate all their labor together then they might be able to put out 10 times more crop yield than they would if they worked individually because they build some roads irrigation canals they can share technology they can share in all sorts of knowledge and wisdom about how to do this they can start to specialize in different roles cradle you no city or little town and then they're much more effective and so of course the free market will drive towards that but as soon as that happens notice what happens now this little town has flourished of five farmers let's it's little village they've built up their irrigation canals their roads and all the sorts of great stuff and they've gotten wealthy and they've built a lot of wealth they have fabulous farms fabulous crops beautiful houses that they've built up through all this labor all the other farmers who did not coordinate now they look at those farmers and say oh wow look at that there's so much wealth over there there's beautiful people there's resources there's animals there's crops there's labor there's roads and canals wow that's amazing we want that for ourselves but of course people are inherently lazy and selfish so while some of them might coordinate and then build one of those for themselves from scratch that takes a lot of work it's a lot easier for them to coordinate together build a military come attack these guys who are completely defenseless and just steal all their stuff and so that's exactly what happens and notice that that is the free market daddy is true freedom don't deny that you're gonna want to say that no Leo that that goes against my morals your morals don't mean [ __ ] to those people who have different morals that's what you need to get through your thick skull other people don't live by your morals it's not good enough when a serial killer comes to kidnap your children - for you to tell him oh well but what about my what about our morals what about what about the individual right to life and to happen and what about you know the the fact that use of force against others is inherently immoral the serial killers give [ __ ] you gonna kidnap and rape your children and slit their throats that's what a serial killer does that's the reality that we're dealing with when we're trying to construct a community see we're not dealing with angels here we're dealing with selfish selfish ruthlessly selfish people and by the way you as a libertarian don't think you're above this somehow like I'm saying that all the libertarians are up here they have these great morals and they're good people and angels and then there's all the devil's and serial killers and rapists over here and now the problem the problem really is that the libertarians need to somehow you know teach the devil's how to rise to their level no no no it's way worse than that what I'm telling you is that you as a libertarian the hypocrisy of your position is that actually you yourself are a selfish [ __ ] devil yeah you don't admit it you only think you're an angel actually the way that you behave is very very selfishly and much of what you call freedom is really just a mask and nothing more than a facade that you put up to avoid reflecting on your own selfishness the whole concept of freedom is not really about freedom for everybody in some Galit aryan sense even though you like to paint it that way in practice what freedom means for you is freedom for you to do exactly the [ __ ] that you think you want to do that fits your survival agenda that's really what you mean when you say freedom as a libertarian you don't really give a [ __ ] about the freedom of others you care about your own freedom and when push comes to shove you are going to do what is necessary to increase your own freedom at the cost of others that's what you do that's what egos do and we'll be talking a lot more a lot more about egos here in a moment so see this idea that freedom is an absolute good is is complete nonsense in the concept of in the context of forming a society but really talking about is making strategic choices about certain limitations and restrictions and regulations such that we reduce the horror of unlimited freedom unlimited freedom is what exists in the animal kingdom if you want the closest thing to a free market place go to the jungle there's your free market place there's no government there's no rules but also notice there's no morality and it's vicious as [ __ ] in the absence of laws and cultural norms which is really what you mean by morality in the absence of these which had to be invented and developed in the absence of these you have how do you arbitrate between the survival agenda of two different organisms you have let's say you have a snake and you have a mouse in the jungle the mouse has its own survival agenda it wants to you know raise its family and do my stuff congregate with other mice and find Mao Mao's food and so forth and then the snake needs to live and for that it needs to eat mice and it wants to reproduce so you see we have a conflict of interest here conflict of agendas so who's gonna win how is that decided it's not decided through morals it's not decided through ethics it's not decided by some government power it's only decided between the two of them by seeing who can overpower who or who can outsmart who if the mouse is clever enough to you know spot the snake and not even approach the snake then the snake will starve to death and if the mouse is stupid enough and careless enough to walk by a snake and the snake strikes it and eats it then the mouse and his family dies it's not good it's not bad it's not evil it's not immoral it's the free market that's freedom the problem though is that it's extremely vicious who on earth would want to live in that kind of environment on the one hand it seems kind of cool like total freedom I'm just gonna you know I'm in the jungle there's no government nobody's taxing me about anything I don't have to like fill out my you know annual tax forms you know how annoying that is I don't have to follow any kind of regulations I can do whatever I want yes but so can anybody else and therein lies the problem because you can't even imagine the sort of horrors that somebody else might do to you in order to gain us advice ERV ival advantage for themselves their family and their children you can't even imagine the horrors and it's because of this that libertarian societies do not exist libertarianism is an a historical philosophy there has not been a single libertarian government that has survived I mean maybe they existed but if they did they didn't last very long and you won't find much evidence of it in history books they don't exist because they can't exist because nobody wants to live in that kind of society in a sense libertarianism was our starting point as a civilization if you rewind the clock a hundred thousand years before there were cities maybe even before there were proper towns and even villages where it was really really simple just like you know caveman days small small small tribes that's probably the closest thing you'll get to libertarianism but but there was there was clan warfare tribal warfare it wasn't all sweet and idyllic it was bloody one tribe would fight other tribe if you've read any anthropological or historical documentation about how tribes live actually not as sympathised idealized romanticized version but how tribes actually live they're extremely territorial they're violent they've got weapons bows and arrows and clubs and things like that and they will fight ruthlessly with neighboring tribes and they will hold grudges against neighboring tribes for generations and hundreds of years they will kidnap each other's children and wives they will seek revenge and retribution because there will be blood feuds between these different tribes you know maybe 20 years ago you kidnapped my daughter so then you know I've been biding my time then my ancestors will come and they will kill your grandmother as retribution for you know for you kidnapping my daughter and so forth this is very normal stuff this is business as usual for tribes so you can see it's it's a it's a ruthless existence because there is no higher moderating power there's nobody you can go to to to say like all well but that tribe you know they kidnapped my daughter and that's that's wrong so we should you know stop them from doing that in the future because I have other daughters I don't want them to get hurt to see normally in an advanced society you would go to a police or you would go to some courts and they would adjudicate these things for you and they would step in on your behalf and they would stop any sort of shenanigans from happening they would stop people from stealing your property and invading you and and whatever else but for that to happen that requires restriction regulation requires monopoly of force because here the state in this case has a military they have a police they have a court system all of this stuff this is a monopoly of force so what we've done in advanced societies if we've actually relinquished certain freedoms that we used to have so that we can get a more peaceful ordered cohesive society it's sort of like we come together and we agree like let's say in warfare you know it's interesting that you might think of warfare is the the perfect example of unregulated activity you know is ruthless people just slaughtering and kill each other indiscriminately but in the advanced society we actually have rules for warfare that we've agreed to there are certain like Geneva Convention protocols and rules that had treaties that have been signed against using nuclear weapons against using chemical weapons biological weapons mustard gas and even certain kind of bullets are banned from use on the on the battlefield because there are certain bullets these days that are just like especially inflict a lot of suffering I don't know what they're called hollow points or whatever another bullet expert but but there are there are certain munitions certain kinds of explosives certain kinds of like napalm and stuff that just is just horrific beyond simply you know getting the normal sort of evils of the battlefield these are like an additional layer so my point is is that we have we have come together and because we've had centuries of ruthless war where people were getting napalmed and tortured and you know getting shot with crazy ammunition that you know maimed them and just destroyed everything and you know gas and biological weapons all this or stuff and even nuclear weapons we've had all this we've seen the horrors of it and collectively we've come together as as enemies as opposite sides we've come together and we said okay I know I hate you and I know you hate me but at least together even though we hate each other and even though we know we're gonna go to war sometime in the future nevertheless can you and I agree that we're not going to use nuclear weapons okay can we agree that we're not gonna use napalm against each other okay can we agree that we're not gonna torture each other's you know captive prison okay so at least we can agree on that and that will at least mitigate some of the horror of survival but this requires agreement and then furthermore how do you enforce the agreement if one side decides to cheat what happens if we agree to this but then secretly I'm torturing your prisoners when I capture them well you see the only solution to that is for you to start torturing my prisoners because that lets me get a taste for how bad it is and then and then we can come back to the table because you know if I'm torturing yours and you're torturing mine we can come back to the table maybe in ten years and begin to be okay we've both tortured enough of each other's prisoners can we agree to stop but then you tell me well how can we agree if we agreed last time ten years ago but you cheated and what am I gonna say I'm gonna said well yeah I did I cheated or I'm gonna deny it see but at some point we have to get to a point where we can come together and and coordinate and not cheat on each other that's difficult to do this is the problem of government in a nutshell but you see what's happening here you think that freedom is this absolute good but notice what's happening if we come together and we sit down at a negotiating table and we agreed to to restrict nuclear weapons napalm and mustard gas and whatever else bad bullets and so forth we are restricting freedom that's not freedom that's regulation that's restriction that's limitation and in this situation it's a good it's a net positive it allows for peace it reduces suffering so this example alone completely throws throws a wrench in the works of libertarian philosophy this is just one example now you need to extrapolate this example out into all these different forms it doesn't just happen with you know with arms deals at the negotiating table between nations this happens all across society all across community we create strategic restrictions and limitations and regulations otherwise known as laws so that we can adhere to those laws and these laws are designed not to take away our freedom nobody sits down to design a law and says well you know I have too much freedom on my hands let me create a law that will take it away from me no nobody says that what happens is that we start from a position where we have so much freedom that all sorts of chaos and devilry runs rampant we we feel it so much it hurts us so deeply when it when it touches our own family our own children our own health our own lives our own communities our own nation's get destroyed and savaged and you know genocide happens we experienced all this slavery we experience all that and we say okay enough I'm [ __ ] sick of it I am willing to surrender some of this freedom for a couple of laws that will just tell people like don't enslave others don't rape others don't use mustard gas etc so you would actually be insane and suicidal not to accept some of these restrictions literally it's suicide not to accept these restrictions because the odds that you'll get killed from a lack of restrictions are very high you see one of the problems that libertarians face is that libertarianism is a new philosophy this is not some philosophy that existed a hundred thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago or even a thousand years ago or even a hundred years ago libertarianism is like 70 years old 80 years old I don't know it basically started with iron Rand this is a philosophy that originated as a reaction to things that were happening in society back then during iron rands time it's already built upon a deep deep deep foundation of civilization and government that works and that creates relative peace and security for people the mistake that libertarians make is that they don't think deeply enough through history they don't kind of like connect the dots to see that we had to build ourselves up massively we have to build up all this bureaucracy and infrastructure to get to the point we're at today where now you have the luxury of sitting in your own house as an individual ranting and raving on some online forum about how you need more freedom and how the government is taking away your freedom and how taxation is theft and all this sorts of stuff you have no idea what survival is really like a thousand or 2,000 years ago before serious government you had no idea of the horrors and evils that existed so in a sense the libertarian is taking for granted so much the libertarian is taking for granted all of the luxuries and benefits that the restriction regulation and laws and monopoly of force have provided to him and it is usually a him if you were to start life over again and you were given a choice before you incarnated into this world between living in a totally free society where anything goes and you're completely free and then you're living like a caveman or you live in today's society with Internet airplanes nightclubs hotels air travel space travel video games you know the internet movies and all this sorts of stuff but you're very restricted you have to pay taxes you have to file government forms you have to go to the DMV get a driver's license before you drive on the road and you have to you know pay taxes for your for your car every year and you gotta get a smog check you know there's regulations on the pollution that your car can can create he's allowed to create you got to you know pay fines if your car is polluting too much and you gotta you got to follow orders of police if they stop you you know if you're driving too fast on the road police will stop you you have to you have to then pay them money so if you had a choice between which one you would want to live in you would always choose this one always always if you knew the horrors of this one over here you would always choose this and that is why there are no libertarian societies and there they're basically never will be because everyone always chooses this because when they choose this out of if out of stupidity they do choose this they they suffer from it so quickly that they quickly revert back and then they turn this into this they create it because of how horrible this is but there's a trap here is that once your ancestors worked really hard to move us away from the evils that existed in total freedom in the free market they move us to a restricted market to regulation into laws they built that up and then generations and thousands of years passed and then children are born into this environment now they take it for granted see this is what you are doing as a libertarian you're taking forget because you're sitting on this privileged position with all the luxuries that have been created by the structure of government and regulation and law and all this monopoly force you are you're at the same type of hypocrisy of it is that you're you're benefiting from all the fruits of that without realizing that the fruits came from those structures and yet what you're trying to do now is you're trying to undermine and destroy those structures by trying to deregulate everything and to say the taxation is theft and you know you're trying to get back to this place but you're you're so stupid you don't understand what you're actually doing it what the consequences of that will be and then you're frustrated why everybody around you isn't on board with you why the government isn't you know full of libertarians well the reason it isn't is because it doesn't work the people don't want it even if you were able to you know seize control of the government with some radical libertarians and you were trying to like make this libertarian worldview a reality you would quickly get overthrown and killed by your fellow citizens because once they got a taste of the consequences of your policies and deregulation and lack of laws that would be so threatening to the survival their children and their family that they would kill you they would rather kill you than follow you into hell this hell of absolute freedom see most people fortunately are not so ideological as to just want absolute freedom as an absolutely good most people what they want is they want security they want their survival needs met they want luxuries like entertainment travel cars roads the internet and so forth and the only way you can get these things is through a highly coordinated regulated carefully ordered infrastructure bureaucracy which orders the actions of thousands and millions of individual agents such that they can live peacefully together so that they can co-exist got that we still haven't even scratched the surface of this and there's so much more that needs to be said what you need to understand is that oppression is relative to identity there is no such thing as oppression in the absolute sense what qualifies as oppression is relative to what you identify as so for example if you identify as a white southerner in the colonial times 200 years ago you have a big flat plantation you have a certain worldview of your race as being superior and part of your survival agenda is that you need to you know your plantations managed and you sure as hell are not gonna do it in the hot Sun so you import some slaves to do it for you do you as the slave owner consider yourself as oppressing the slaves of course not of course not now you might say well but the slave owners are just in denial everybody knows that slavery is wrong and oppressive no that's where you're wrong that's the whole problem is that everybody does not know and does not agree that slavery is wrong and oppressive to the extent that they do that's simply because we've built up the infrastructure and a consensus and a legal system in a bureaucratic system which in an education system which teaches people that slavery is wrong and bad and you shouldn't do it because there's suffering that comes from and it's oppressive and all this this requires an education system hires a culture that teaches that this culture did not exist 200 years ago the culture of 200 years ago you know 200 years it's not a long time the culture of 200 years ago mostly considered slavery as natural even god-ordained you could go and find ministers and preachers that would talk about how God gifted the white man to rule over all the colored you know the lesser colored people in the animals and so forth you can find this now you said well that they were diluted no no no you are diluted you are deluded for thinking that slavery is some sort of absolute evil it's not remember total freedom means you can enslave people really think about this 2,000 years ago the idea that slavery was inherently wrong did not exist it did not exist like really it did not exist and when I say that I don't just mean like oh well it didn't exist and the people were idiots and they just didn't understand morality and now we've got to the point where now we understand morality we of course we understand that it's wrong and it always was wrong no it never was wrong and it isn't wrong now this is just a cultural norm there is nothing that is stopping slavery other than the cultural norms and infrastructure and bureaucratic institutions that we have put in place to stop it that's it and of course also there is this as part of the norms is there's a culture there's a cultural consensus we're together today in 21st century society if you're living in a developed part of the world all of us agree that slavery is wrong that's not because it is wrong that's because we've seen the evils of allowing it and we've realized yeah it weighs heavy on our conscience even at some point the slave owners had to say like man like whipping these slaves doesn't feel so good and my fellow white people start to judge me for it you know like the northern the northerners who don't have slaves they start to judge the southerners who do and then that doesn't feel good to the southerners now there's a war of course that's a civil war no no show you oppression is relative to your identity there is no such thing as absolute oppression what counts is oppression is relative to your survival agenda what you want out of life and people have different notions of what oppression is to somebody to a libertarian for example given your worldview you feel that taxation is oppression but to most of us we don't feel that because we realize that yes taxation is a bit of a pain in the ass nobody really likes to pay taxes but also how much sure individual understands that yes of course I don't enjoy paying taxes but it's not like this money is being stolen from me per se this is money that I'm in a sense donating to create a better society because roads don't build themselves militaries don't fund themselves various other kinds of government programs don't fund themselves space travel doesn't fund itself now I hear you libertarians trying to make an argument at all well but if we just let businesses do it then it can it can like Elan musk built SpaceX and that leo that's a that disproves your whole point because the private business can do it the only reason Ellen musk was able to build SpaceX was because because we have 10,000 years of [ __ ] bureaucracy and infrastructure that have been developed built through bloody Wars hundreds of millions of people were killed raped enslaved burned and tortured at the [ __ ] stake for 10,000 years to get us to this point where Ellen Musk can now build a rocket to send some [ __ ] up into space if you don't see that connection there you're not using your head properly there cannot be space travel without complex bureaucracy and regulation military court systems police fire departments education systems university systems all funded by taxpayer money I am not saying that it's impossible to have private space travel of course it's possible in the future we're gonna have a lot more of it but recognize don't be so [ __ ] arrogant as to take for granted the foundation upon which it is built that allows for it you know here's a very simple example for you and I really encourage you libertarians who want to debate me and argue with me here to stop being philosophical for a moment and actually take a look at concrete examples of how stuff happens in society because it'll quickly disabuse you of many of your mythical notions about how government works for example SpaceX SpaceX cannot exist without Wall Street impossible now you might say but Leo SpaceX is not even traded on Wall Street it's a private company so why is Wall Street relevant here at all because how did L on Musk fun SpaceX the only way he was able to fund it is by the billions of dollars that he got from the sale of PayPal how was PayPal sold it was built up to go to IPO and to go on Wall Street and the only reason Ellen must got billions of dollars for it is because eventually they knew that this company would end up on Wall Street where billions of dollars more even than that you know tens of billions would be generated and so based on that they gave him a few billion of his own and then based on that he founded SpaceX now you might wonder well so what Wall Street okay a big deal right but Wall Street cannot exist without government regulation do you know the kind of [ __ ] that would happen on Wall Street if there was no government regulation no laws against insider trading go read the history of stock markets and the kind of [ __ ] that happened on stock in stock markets hundreds of years ago even just fifty years ago before all this regulation was passed there's massive regulation on Wall Street and it's not nearly enough there's still so many problems and there's so much corruption on Wall Street but if you think that Wall Street would work better with less regulation your honor your smoke and crack stocks need to be heavily regulated because there's so much value to be gained from manipulating and lying to the public you can publish fake press releases you can you can manipulate your own stock prices you can you can create fake companies and sell those stocks you know do pump and dump schemes and all sorts of scams like you could scam people out of billions of dollars without proper regulation restriction and if you think that that situation can be managed simply by an appeal to moral principles and by an appeal to personal property rights and an appeal to like well don't just don't like don't be a dick on Wall Street like how are you gonna regulate Wall Street the wolves on Wall Street how you gonna regulate them government Sal monopoly of force is how there needs to be a military there needs to be a police force there needs to be a court system there needs to be a legislature which passes the laws there needs to be regulating agencies like the SEC and so forth which go after these Wall Street wolves keep them in check if you think Wall Street is bad now you have no idea how bad it would be without any of this infrastructure it just it couldn't exist it literally could not exist so think really hard about what freedom really means I want you to see that unlimited freedom is actually highly threatening to life and to self and that really the ego yourself your own organism hates freedom you hate freedom even if you have an ideology where you say you love freedom actually you hate freedom because when you truly experience the effects of freedom on you if someone comes and rapes your children that's freedom and when you experience that you will hate freedom you will understand the problem with freedom unlimited freedom and you will wish that there was some someone you could go to someone you could cry to who could help you in that situation and from this government is born see it's not rocket science it's pretty common-sense stuff without government you would have enslavement you know that slavery existed in basically all parts of the world and in all societies for thousands of years only recently in the most developed societies with the most regulations the biggest government's only recently in the last couple hundred years have we been able to outlaw slavery why is that precisely because we had built up so much infrastructure to get to the point where we could do it so if you think that you're gonna you're gonna roll back government to some sort of more simplified form especially some of you anarchists you're literally you're trying to literally roll back evolution to go back to an earlier stage in which enslavement was the norm in which genocide was the norm do you understand that that's what you're actually proposing when you propose your anarchist ideas I mean of course you're in denial about it you're not gonna admit to what you're doing cuz you you haven't connected the dots that's why in this whole conversation I'm trying to guide you through the nitty-gritty like pathways of your own thoughts so you can see how your own thinking leads to absurdities and to all sorts of evil here's another example I want to run by you here's a claim radical claim says libertarians often like to argue that roads for example which are public in most places that roads can be privatized with no problem private roads they they exist we have toll roads so why couldn't all roads be taller and then we could save on taxes and then that would be more freedom well let's take a look at that here's my claim for you I really challenge you to think about this my claim is that it's impossible for a road to exist at all without a government there cannot be a road without a government let's think this through so imagine we're again we roll back the clock 2,000 years or even maybe 5,000 years to a place where there were no roads yet there were no cities yet it was just little individual farmers living and surviving by themselves was it with no government yet so they decided on the road okay how do you build a road let's say we want to build a decent side of a hundred miles of road it's not gonna be concrete but it's just gonna be like a 100 miles of road sort of a Roman style Road let's say that's a pretty big project how do you build it he's a farmer gonna be able to build it no impossible he's his family gonna build a buildin impossible our five farmers gonna be able to build it impossible five farmers and their families cannot build 100-mile Road nor do they even have a reason for building 100-mile Road why would they where they gonna go to um you need a much larger group of people you probably need at least a city or town of a thousand or 10,000 to build such a road so assuming we've got these people they build this road okay but this road can only exist if it's maintained so now they're committed to maintaining it this road can only exist if it's defended against others who would come and want to destroy the road so let's say our group our town about ten thousand people decide to build our road you know horizontally east to west 100 miles and then some other group neighbouring group decides to build a different road which goes north to south and intersects with our road so what's gonna happen at that intersection of roads how is that traffic going to be managed maybe we could just come together and agree on it but what if we have a differ of opinion what if I say that all my road going north south is more important than your road going east-west what happens well battle happens see how are you going to adjudicate that with your libertarian philosophy of no monopoly of force and just respecting individual property rights so see a little cherry would probably say something like well the first town who builds the road horizontally east-west they get the first dibs on the property rights so once you build a road this way now you can't build a road the other way because it interferes with property rights so now what what the other people have to do is they have to if these people build around this way these will have to build a road that goes around like this but this is a pure absurdity you see nobody's gonna be [ __ ] building a road that goes around they're just gonna go straight through and they're gonna dominate whatever's in between there's gonna be a battle because it's easier it's actually more energy efficient to just have a battle than build a road that's twice as long that goes around and after all why should the first people get the rights where does it say where you show me where there's a rule in the universe that says that if I build a road this way that other people now are not allowed to build a road that way through my road where does it say that it doesn't say that anywhere it only exists in your mind you see that's the problem with you libertarians you have a strong sense of morality and then you expect everybody else to adhere to your morality which of course is not real life real life is the exact opposite of that everybody else has their own sense of morality which will conflict with yours because in truth your morality is not some objective Universal thing it is deeply selfish your morality is that which serves your survival and survival of your family and the survival of your ideology your morality is not some you know god-given thing you invented your morality morality is a social invention which has been invented by communities to help them to co-exist and coordinate peacefully with each other without killing all of each other that's the function of morality it's a practical thing so let's say getting back to the road example let's say let's ignore the second road let's just say we have the original Road so simplify it so we have the original Road going going east-west it's a hundred miles they built it they have to defend it they have to maintain it this takes energy this takes a force you need a police force to police this road what happens if someone let's say throws a giant rock in the middle of the road someone has to come and clear it out there also needs to be a punishment for doing this because some people might want to blockade the road see some people because this road now once the road is built it's valuable and presumably that's why you built it in the first place it allows you to travel faster allows you to access points that you couldn't access before so it has value now that it has value you see people get clever the ego gets clever it wants to exploit all the value that exists so some small band of people decide ah this road is valuable what if we blockade the road then we can prevent troops from going from one part of the countryside to the other that will give us some survival advantage let's blockade the road so you got to prevent them from doing that some police have to stop them that means it has to be patrols along this road now you would say oh but but leo that that that's a violation of property rights because hey if you're if you're putting rocks on my road then you're violating my property rights and that's immoral but who gives a [ __ ] at this stage of human development nobody cares about what's immoral what they care about is survival if it's gonna save someone's life or allow them to feed their children to place boulders in the middle of your road they will do it or they can set up a little a little Tollbooth of their own you see I can get a couple of my guys so big guys I hire them they get their their their guns and their machetes and we set up a little toll booth at some point in the road everybody comes through they have to pay us you know a third of the goods that they're carrying or we cut their heads off that will inevitably happen unless there's some mechanism to prevent it don't you dare think that human goodness alone will prevent that from happening no there needs to be a enforcement of it and then that enforcement itself who's gonna who's gonna control whether the enforcement is fair or not you see what happens if the if the troops who are patrolling the police let's say who are patrolling that road making sure that it doesn't get too you know hijacked or blockaded or you know something else bad happens on it um who's gonna police them cuz what if they got have hand what if they themselves decide to AH we can set up our own toll booth on the road and charge everybody cuz we're the police we got even more power than those bandits they can do that see so there needs to be an even higher agency above the police that police is the police either a military or a court system or an independent agency or internal affairs Department of the police that reviews the police and so on that routes out corruption and all sorts of possibilities for devilry and selfishness because it will exist because humans are selfish so my point here being I hope you can see is that there cannot exist a road without a government you might say well what about toll roads yes you can have toll roads within the ecosystem that has been built by thousands of years of government every toll road that exists on the planet only exists because there is a government that allows it to exist can you see that the government is doing so much that is sort of the function of the government the government sets up a almost transparent like background infrastructure which then allows a lot of cool things to be built on top of it for example there cannot be commercial jet airplane travel without government without significant bureaucracy and regulation airplanes are dangerous things they need to be highly regulated they need to be built to specifications as we've seen for example with the recent Boeing is that 737 max I believe it is that was the you know the poorly constructed jetliner that you know resulted in a couple of fatal catastrophe you know crashes they had to halt the entire production of this airplane line why because it was poorly built improperly regulated and properly inspected and the only reason at this that these planes were pulled from service was because there is I don't know what is it called the Federal Aviation Association FAA something like that right that that regulates all these airplanes like there are such strict regulations on not just the construction of airplanes but even the interiors of airplanes how many seats you can have how close the seats can be to each other how far away the windows are how the air conditioning works how many computer systems are on there built for redundancies in case one of them breaks the other one can take over help like that is super regulated why because it has to be for people to feel secure flying on an airplane now you might say well but this is this is such a restriction I just want to Leo why why am I being prohibited why is the big government prohibiting me from starting my own airplane company and just building whatever kind of [ __ ] planes I want I want to be able to build a plane with no windows and no seats or with no redundancies I just want to build whatever I want to build why can't I do that because we've done that in the past and we've realized the horrors of it it was so bad that we create an entire agency that is watching and regulating these airline companies like a hawk and still it's not good enough to ensure the kind of security we want from these airplanes you see and just to have a plane fly from one part of the world to other part of the world you need to build runways giant runways these runways can only exist because they're supported defended policed by the local governments there so that's required but more so even more beyond that it's not just to have two runways around the world these are different countries different cultures different ethnicities different religions they need to all coordinate together at a global scale to allow planes to travel on a daily basis from one to the other without conflict and problem what happens if one plane flies over some other country that country shoots it down you would say oh but that's a that's a you know oppression nobody gives a [ __ ] they will shoot down your plane unless we have had some treaties at an international level where we agree that if you're gonna use my airspace you're gonna fly over my airspace then you better pay me some some amount of money because you're using my airspace and whatever and you know these agreements were reached these agreements can only be reached through massive bureaucracy infrastructure government and regulation this cannot happen with small government you can't do this in some anarchist commune you see when you're living in some manner anarchist commune you're basically a farmer that's all you've got is you've got farming you've got nothing else you have no internet no smartphones no cars no computers no entertainment you lose all this amazing stuff so what I want you to see is that the history of human civilization is us through an evolutionary process of trial and error carefully selecting various restrictions of course we disagree about up upon which restrictions and laws and regulations are good but we go through some battle and we find those restrictions which restrict the free market precisely because we don't want a free market it restricts the free market and creates a better society in which actually we don't have less freedom we have more freedom how is it that we have more freedom because we've sacrificed certain freedoms that weren't really relevant to us or weren't really beneficial to us we surrender those in order to attain higher freedoms which actually we do care about so for example I am happy to sacrifice my freedom to rape people if that means that I will then what I'll get for it is I will get the security of knowing that my children won't be raped I will happily give up that freedom now of course if you're a rapist you disagree with me because you get a kick outta raping people and maybe you don't have children so for you see that that's not a good deal for you you want to be able to rape with impunity but most people would rather give up rape and slavery and genocide and racism and some of this kind of nasty stuff would give the freedom of that up so that we can have a society where where we can have like a city with technology and where people get along with each other you know they have different religions different ethnicities different cultures and they can all be a melting pot get along each other there's not you know race Wars between them there's not genocides going on none of that stuff because we've surrendered that and we've gotten something better for it consider this ask yourself this question is there more freedom in the countryside rural countryside or there's just like a little village and nothing to do or is there more freedom in New York City there's actually more freedom in New York City because in the countryside there are so few options sure in the countryside if you're all alone let's say you're out in the middle of the desert all by yourself yeah you've got total freedom do whatever you want you can take a [ __ ] you can do whatever you want do it but notice you'll get you'll get bored very quickly why do you get bored because you're just sitting there by yourself there's nothing to do there's nobody to talk to there's no cars there's no planes there's no internet there's nothing cool there's no food you're gonna die out there so you would happily sacrifice being in the middle of the desert by yourself to go to a village in the village there's more stuff to do there's people there's town there's a there's pubs there's farms there's food there's a little bit of entertainment you can find there's maybe some internet you know whatever um there's others you can marry have children with they'd have sex with cool stuff fun right great there's alcohol great that's fun look at how much freedom you gained by giving up the desert for the village because the whole point at the village we can come together we can build something extraordinary together that we couldn't have built by ourselves in the alone in the desert you can't really create something as cool as pub or a constant music concert or a computer but in a village we come together we can create something cool like a pub or a saloon that's easy to do in a village most villagers have one of those we can start to brew alcohol have fun at night after we work but now you'll go to New York City look at all the opportunity or city that you can do you can visit museums look at art you can go to the park you can you can fly a hot-air balloon you can fly a helicopter you can go on the boat you can see a Statue of Liberty you can go on skyscrapers and you can go to Wall Street and you can earn money and you could have sex and there's hookers and there's drugs and there's entertainment and there's porn and there's like anything you want you can find in New York City basically if it exists it exists in New York City but the cost of living in New York City is that you have to surrender freedoms you're I'm sorry you're not allowed to go in the middle of the street in Manhattan and take a [ __ ] sorry you're not allowed to do that sorry you're not allowed to just like walk down the street with an ak-47 it's just start pulling the trigger you could do that in the desert sorry I can't do that in your city because it's more complex it's more dense there's a lot of agents going around we need order in a giant city in a giant city we got what like 5 10 million people living there something like that they need much much more regulation so they don't step on each other's toes we'd sophisticated court systems which will adjudicate disputes between different companies different agencies different people whereas for example in a village you don't need a fancy court system in a village you got like your local judge you just you just come to him you maybe even know where he lives you can knock on his door two neighbors have a dispute you can just come knock on the door of the sheriff or something the sheriff will listen to it and then he'll just render his verdict and then you guys will just you know adjudicated that way in a sort of simple way you can't do that in a giant highly complex system like a city so this idea of the free market this needs to be deconstructed the free market is a myth it has never ever existed never existed even if you roll back the clock and you go back to ancient Rome or ancient Egypt there was no free market the market is always controlled and manipulated by various agents who are making up the market always there's always manipulation of the market why because every agent in the market when they are free by definition they are free to pursue their own selfish agenda without restriction and so they do because they're selfish so in a free market if I can manipulate something if I can manipulate the price if I can manipulate the supply or the demand if I can you know create a counterfeit product I'm gonna put it out there that's gonna be part of the free market but we don't like that see you don't want a market in which there's counterfeit products and scams and you know pump and dump schemes and all sorts of bamboozlement going on you want a fair market not a free market a fair market and the way you get a fair market was a lot of regulation a fair market is the opposite of a free market here's what libertarians fundamentally misunderstand about free markets free markets inherently become corrupt because the people who are constituting the market are themselves corrupt and so that corruption will spill over into the free market if you have a market with a lot of distributed individuals what's going to inevitably happen is that those individuals will clump together and coordinate and cooperate to create corporations tribes groups syndicates cabal's and mafias why do they do that because that allows them first of all they have the freedom to do it because it's a free market second of all because it allows them to gain to get an advantage in the market every corporation these days does this every corporation Christ a game they're part of the market to gain some sort of advantage over all the others all the other players in the market how do they do that by buying up other companies coordinating with them price-fixing and all sorts of other shady stuff that they could do and in fact if there was less regulation doesn't happen today but if there was less regulation a corporation could actually hire their own military a mercenary group to take out other corporation and they would gladly do so you think that if for example Microsoft had the freedom to hire its own militia that it wouldn't hire one and then go and take out Apple or Google through physical force by just like bombing their headquarters of course they would of course they would and the reason they would is because if they didn't even if they were assuming they were good enough and kind enough and you know sweet angels that they would that they would be above such such barbarity well if they didn't do it another corporation would see out of the thousands of corporation that there are there's gonna be at least a handful that are corrupt enough that are willing to hire a militia if they're allowed to and go bomb the headquarters of other corporations and you know what that that would be a very effective strategy because it's gonna work a lot better than building your own company it's very difficult to build a company like Apple but you know it's pretty easy if I if I have enough money I could just I could literally just like raise an army of 10,000 people and hire some demolition experts and we could destroy every campus that Apple Apple has I'm easy easy so um so you see that's the problem with your free market that has to be stopped you have to stop groups of people from creating syndicates and mafias which try to abuse everybody else and bully them and this is the history of mankind if there's one thing you learn from the history of mankind is mankind is a highly social species that creates syndicates in ever-larger hierarchies which then go on to monopolize and to bully everybody else until eventually they dominate the entire field if they're allowed to and this by the way is exactly how government was created in the first place where did government come from you see here's here's the whole absurdity of libertarianism is that libertarianism draws a very sharp dualistic line between the private sector and the public sector is as if these two things are unrelated or inherently different they aren't the way that the public sector came about at all in the first place because it didn't exist at some point like a hundred thousand years ago it didn't exist there were no States and governments a hundred thousand years ago there were only little villages and tribes but what happened is like I said these villages and tribes they they came together they unified because it gave them a survival advantage they kept doing that at higher and higher orders mafias syndicates were built city-states were built city-states combined together into nation-states nation-states combined it combined together into big treaties and alliances international alliances like NATO and so on the Axis and Allies powers and World War two so forth so and then all of this all of this occurred and then we got this is how we got the state government various love of state government it came from the private sector initially it was private in essence what happened was that some it wasn't called a corporation back then but some group of marauders came together they created a syndicate which is effectively a corporation without the legal paperwork they created a syndicate this syndicate was like a corporation private corporation and it started taking over more and more land more and more territory more and more tribes and people and then that was a tyranny that corporation or that syndicate turned into a tyranny an authoritarian dictatorship and then through thousands of years of public pleading and protests and revolutions what happened was that our ancestors fought with these private syndicates to seize power away from them because the power was centralized in an authoritarian pyramid like structure and all the power went to the king or to the mob boss of that syndicate those people were overthrown and eventually democratic norms started to take hold and we got the right to vote and now it was no longer tenable for some one guy at the top to call all the shots for his lifetime now he had to actually take into consideration the needs of the citizens and the elites and the legislators and so forth this is the history basically of Western Europe over the last two thousand years until we got to the point where we got a solid democracy going which is what most of Europe and America is these days pretty pretty solid democracy where we elect leaders term limits all the sorts of stuff so see what happened was here's what libertarians understand is that we started with a free market we started with a true free market but that was so horrible that over time the free market was monopolized and dominated by by a few ruthless and bloody syndicates which then turned into dictatorships and monarchies which later were then revolutionized and smoothened out and kind of mollified because that too was so brutal and evil that that didn't work so we had to we had to take power back from the from the top of the Monopoly and distribute it back down to the people which made life better for most people raised their living conditions made them less oppressed now the king couldn't just you know willy-nilly execute somebody he had to ask a court there has to be a crime it has to be proven in court the sorts of stuff so we had the free market ten thousand years ago it was [ __ ] and now we got something much better we got a fair market it's not perfect it's not perfectly fair there's still a lot of corruption and stuff we need to fix it we can work on it it can get a lot better but you should be very grateful that we have what we have and the only reason we have what we have is because we have taxation none of this stuff is possible without taxation so with libertarians make this claim this this absurd claim that taxation is theft and the reason they make this claim is because they say well the government has a monopoly of force which isn't fair it's not fair for government a monopoly force so why should they be able to force me to pay some amount of money that I didn't agree to pay yeah sorry buddy you live in a community what you don't understand what you need to get through your thick skull is that you are part of a [ __ ] community you are not an individual forget this myth of the individual there never was such a thing it's pure hogwash this romanticized naive notion that if we roll back the clock and we go back a thousand years or ten thousand years 100,000 years that people were living as rugged individuals like the sort of you know the John Wayne Mad Max character who's like just he you know he's walking through the desert he walks into town he's just like this individual he's by himself you know he he doesn't rely on anybody this sort of guy you think like that's how people lived ten thousand years ago no 10,000 years ago human life was far more collectivist than it is now far more you had no individual rights basically it wasn't even such a notion of individualism when you lived in a tribal culture and there are still cultures like this around in many parts of the world in third-world countries you'll find these tribal cultures in these tribes like in like Papa New Guinea someplace or in the Amazon or in Africa and Indonesia Middle East in the Middle East still very tribal than the least yeah you know you find these tribes when you're living in a small tribe of a hundred people your life is completely wedded to that tribe why because you can't survive without it an individual human cannot survive in the wilderness it's impossible get this really get this because you have this code a modern notion of like well but there are shows you know leo what about those survival shows on the you know Discovery Channel something we're like one dude is living out in Alaska in the middle of nowhere by himself he's been living there for three years he seems to be doing good he's happy you know he's hunting moose and and and you know and you know living and up there fishing and nobody's bothering him and it's all nice and peaceful and like look it works no this is a this is a fantasy it doesn't work first of all what you got to realize is that the only reason that person is able to live in that wilderness in Alaska for three even for a year is because he has supplies that were manufactured by a giant government or at least enabled by a giant government those people in those survival shows they need rifles they need bullets and ammunition that needs to be constantly resupplied they need fishing gear they need hooks they need fishing line they need matches and camp starter kits and Flint's and the tents and you know whatever else shovels into axes and knives bottles none of this is possible by yourself you know one of the things I find most outrageous about some of these survival shows you know I love to watch some of those survivor show so I was like you know Bear Grylls or survivor man you watch some of those or like you know yeah below zero the Alaska wilderness survival show like they're really interesting and worthwhile to watch because it gets you a little bit of sense of you know what survival really was like for our ancestors but still it doesn't get you a true sense of it because usually when they throw some like Bear Grylls guy into into a wilderness he's got a [ __ ] knife with him and then he's doing all this stuff with the knife you know he's he's making himself a spear and he's making a bow and air and making some fishing hooks from like bow and carving it with a knife and I'm like yeah but where the [ __ ] are you gonna get a knife in the wilderness that's like you I mean you might as well just Bear Grylls might as well just walk into a jungle with an ak-47 it would be as realistic as walking into a jungle with a knife your ancestors didn't have an eyes well I'm talking about like a steel [ __ ] you know high-quality like Rambo knife the kind that usually Bear Grylls will carry into the into the jungle know at best your ancestors had like rocks and stuff so it was even more difficult than it seems in those shows and anyways you know those people they usually live there in the wilderness for a few years then they come back to civilization they don't live there for their entire lifetime it would be virtually impossible to come back every year to resupply they need to get stuff drop shipped into them medical supplies like I was watching some of those shows there was some lady on one of these shows she was like out in the wilderness and then she was she was driving her snowmobile and then the snowmobile tipped over and it fell on her and it like broke her leg or something like that and the only reason she survived was because she was able to crawl back to her technologically advanced pace which had internet she was able to get her like satellite phone call like some medical center that was 500 miles away in Alaska and get like a helicopter or a plane a bush plane to fly in and to you know rescue her then she get to go to a hospital with professional doctors the only reason that's possible is because of the giant government that's there so you get this false sense with these survival shows you get this false sense of individualism that you can just kind of like live out there on your own or some of these you know doomsday prepper people who think that all I'm gonna build my own bomb bunker I'm gonna stock it with supplies canned goods and MREs and stuff and I'm just gonna like live there by myself then when the bombs go off I'll just be there and then you know I'll survive it all and I'll come out and I'll be able to you know I'll be able to make it my family and I we're gonna be the smart ones we're gonna be able to make it no you won't there's a nuclear a true nuclear war you're not going to be able to make it if there's a serious collapse of civilization you're not going to be able to make it because everything will devolve into complete barbarism and your supplies they'll run out how long have I mean even if you have the best stockpile supplies it'll be a year or two at most you'll run out of your supplies and food and water what were you gonna do were you gonna go get it you have to go fight for it and other people will be fighting for it you see so in tribal cultures like in the Amazon they live very communally and collectively in a sense it's it's pure of communism you don't have the freedom to say like oh well in a society like you're in a tribe and you're like ah [ __ ] the tribe I'm not gonna do what you guys want me to do I'm just gonna be an individual I don't want to if don't infringe on my personal rights you expect me to come do something for you like go on a hunt with you or go marry that person over there or like you know do whatever the tribe is gonna do fight some tribal war for you no I'm not gonna do I'm just gonna be myself they'll [ __ ] kill you cuz you're a traitor to the tribe you can't survive in those situations if everybody in the tribe behave like a libertarian the tribe wouldn't exist it would all go extinct which is why there are no libertarians and tribes even just the idea of that if you go to the Amazon or into Africa or to Indonesia you find a tribe you get a translator and then you explain the libertarian ideology to those tribes people they will [ __ ] laugh maybe this will this will be the funniest thing they have ever heard you tell them that there are these people who are who live who think that they can be individuals and have individual rights they don't have to make any sacrifices for the community these people will laugh because you can't survive that way the only way you can survive that way is if you're living in a in the luxury of a modern gigantic multi million citizen nation which allows you to have the freedom of having your own individual house on your own plot of land by yourself somewhere maybe in the wilderness and then you yeah you can do that while you drive the to Costco or to Walmart to pick up supplies to fuel that and you have electricity you know supply there you have solar panels all that stuff and then yeah then you can live off the grid like that and still you're still highly dependent on the grid see so the irony is that libertarian ideology is only made possible by all of the things that libertarians are opposed to there there actually would not exist a libertarian ideology unless there was a monopoly a force and a giant bloated government and bureaucracy that allowed for it because you can't even have an education system without that you see just to be able to be intelligent enough to do philosophy to be able to write books to philosophize about moral principles this already requires an education system universities schools and so on which don't exist without taxation how could there be people who would read ayan rands books if there wasn't a public education system you see how absurd the position is this sort of I and Randy in position of like well we're all individuals and taxation is is wrong and collectivism is wrong yeah but the only reason that today 99% of people are literate is because of public education which is directly funded by taxation and which is a collectivist endeavor school is a collective institution and its function is collectivist the reason we have schools the reason people are made literate is because that's helpful to the entire community that we're a part of when our community is made up of a bunch of illiterate morons who can't add one plus one together or who can't read a basic book we all suffer for that this is fundamentally what many libertarians understand because they're so bought into this philosophy of individualism that they that they they treat individualism as an absolute good and they treat communalism as an absolute bad or collectivism as an absolute bad this is this is so misguided it's so dysfunctional it's so unhealthy for you because it makes you like a cancer within your own community we humans are highly social communal species we can only survive as a community there was never a time in human history not even a million years ago where there weren't even barely humans but there were our ape ancestors there even back then individual Apes didn't survive only in a community go look at how chimpanzees survive only in a community there's not a lot of individual rights and freedoms in a chimpanzee troop there's actually order and hierarchy precisely because it's necessary there are certain implicit rules that need to be followed certain laws if you will which make that troop function it's a communal endeavor so it's very important you start to acknowledge that to yourself that you're part of a community and this community it has its pros and cons stop looking at a community as just all the negative stuff that's I think what a lot of libertarians and some conservatives who are very certainly individualistic minded they did they tend to forget how much benefit the community gives them what it allows that couldn't otherwise be possible and also there's there's a joy to being part of a community a community gives you a sense of a larger meaning you could you know there's something you can work towards there's a perhaps a sense of national pride although that's problematic because it's internationalism they're gonna be tribal pride of course that consistent to tribalism but uh but still there's a healthy form of national pride that you can have you can have a pride in humanity you can you can you know have a career that you work towards you know helping mankind to achieve a certain goal we can work together towards amazing things but only if we're willing to make certain sacrifices and part of the challenge of being born into the 21st century into this sort of advanced state of society relative to where it was let's say a hundred thousand years ago part of the challenge is that you weren't really given an option you were just born into this world and you were immediately thrown into a collective highly collective situation and you were forced as a child as a little baby you were forced to deal with it you were forced to learn how to communicate with others how to have respect not be rude to others how to have manners how to have etiquette how to have what we call morals how to you know enforce your own boundaries but also not let others step over your boundaries how to be able to play with with friends and how to work with coworkers and bosses and all this stuff and it's it's very challenging it can be very frustrating and hey you know I'm a very individualistic minded person I don't like to be really big part of collective so much but but look we have no choice we have no choice you are part of a collective no matter what the only question is are you going to be conscious of how collectives work are you going to to make smart intelligent choices are you going to be okay with certain restrictions because we're gonna be making restrictions no matter what restrictions and laws and regulations will get made the only question is what kind will they be and will they get us a net positive or a net negative regulation is not an absolute good or an absolute bad it depends what kind it is there are certainly bad regulations and there's good regulations and usually it's a mixed bag usually every law or regulation has an upside and a downside so it's not so simple it's like oh this is a great law it's perfect no there's always trade-offs we can always make more laws we can refine our laws to be the more nuanced and better to better fit our you know situation in our situation is always evolving new technology new cultural standards and more people and so that everything is changing just think about this let's say you get your wish let's say you have total freedom that you want as a libertarian what's gonna happen or as an anarchist what's gonna happen well for a while there will be a flat hierarchy everyone will just be doing their own thing then people start to fight with each other because they will come together they will clash but there's gonna be nobody to adjudicate the clash because there's no higher court to appeal to no higher authority so people will start to make themselves their own authorities and so as that happens people will sort of form syndicates and kvass they will form factions that oppose each other one faction will be Christians one will be Jews one will be Hindus one will be Buddhists one will be Muslims you know one will be liberals will be conservatives one will be this one will be that one will be in this kind of corporation one will be another kind of corporation and then all of them will start to fight with each other and try to oppress with each other because they're all trying to get to the top to make sure that they aren't bullied by the others and the treating us of the situation is that if even if your moral enough not to bully others that's not going to be good enough because there will always be others who will not be that way and they will want to bully you and bully others and so they will just drive you into extinction it's survival of the fittest is basic evolution here we're talking about so what are you gonna do you can't stop people from organizing into syndicates and factions from an anarchic position of total freedom so what the anarchist and the libertarians understand is that if you get what you want you will then go through a cycle of hundreds or thousands of years and then eventually you'll come back to exactly where we are today that's where we find ourselves today because anarchy is inherently unstable and in a sense unnatural reality is ordering itself at ever higher levels of organization and for that restriction and regulation is necessary and there's no way you're gonna stop it so give up your quixotic desire for some sort of anarchic state of total freedom where we all live communally in peace with one another no no everything is constantly evolving into higher and higher orders of complexity the solution to this problem is to start to unify those factions together and to get them to see a common good and a common goal that we can all rally around together that doesn't mean that all of them will completely merge and lose all their individualism they can still maintain individuality but as a collective and we agree to certain rules that we're all going to follow and not cheat because that's gonna benefit all of us if none of us cheat and then we put into place some institutions and organizations that help to make sure that people aren't cheating each other that they're staying true to their original commitments to community because it's for the greater good of us all so here's the paradox is that the big government that libertarians rail against is actually the direct result of a true free market that's what the libertarian does not understand the free market allows for oppression and domination and as that happens it becomes so ugly that people realize that we don't really want a free market what we want is a fair regulated market and so they create that but it's the libertarians who don't see that they're in denial about it because they have this myth of the free market being able to solve all of mankind's problems being an absolute good no that's not true it's just not true thank you through so big oppressive government actually comes from the private sector if you don't have a big government with a military and a monopoly of force what's gonna happen is that one of the private entities or factions will become that by monopolizing the entire market and then crowning itself King and that's how you get a state government with a monopoly of force you might say this is a bad thing it's actually not a bad thing because that King will not be stable either because it's too brutal and it will it'll actually eventually get democratized and then we'll get the right to vote and then more democracy will come and then eventually this what used to be this private sector which was purely authoritarian now becomes distributed democracy it gets softened it becomes less brutal and actually it's quite nice it works quite well sure you got to pay your taxes but hey that's a small small price to pay to make sure that your government protects you from being invaded raped and pillaged by a neighboring country a neighboring militia a neighboring tribe or another syndicate of some sort you see thing that libertarians understand is that by deregulating the government the federal government in in America for example what you're doing is you're actually opening you're creating a power vacuum you're weakening the central authority which is the referee the function of a democratic government is to act as the referee to create an ecosystem where all players are playing fairly and aren't pressing and exploiting each other when you reduce the power of the referee and his rules which he has set for that to happen what that allows you you remove the regulations that allows every private player to exploit without restriction and to seek to overthrow the referee see every giant corporation seeks a monopoly whether it's Microsoft Apple Google Facebook Amazon and oil companies and so forth what's the only thing that's stopping them you might say well it's the free market no it's actually not the free market it's the government it's the it's the monopoly of force it's government regulation because what would inevitably happen if there was no serious government regulation against monopolies and in other ways what would happen is that one of these giant companies like Amazon would eventually get the bright idea to hire their own militia and to take over all the other governments all the other companies by force because it would be profitable to them to do so and then eventually to undermine and take over the entire government so that they could cram themselves King and if they ever succeeded in doing that which maybe they could if they if we weaken the federal government enough they actually could succeed in doing that I don't really expect that some serious possibility but in theory is possible but if that ever was to happen notice what would happen we would go back to the place where we had tyrants and kings so it would be another cycle of hundreds or thousands of years before we we we democratized what we would now call Amazon Amazon would eventually through revolution and protests and so forth would have to become democratized and it would just become exactly what we have today you see the problem with the corporation is that it's inherently authoritarian the guy who owns it the people who own the stocks they call all the shots everybody else is just they're their slave or their employee in a sense sure you could leave the corporation go to different corporations but the nice thing about a democratic government is that you get a vote everybody gets a vote theoretically I mean it's not perfect we have problems with voting they're not perfect but it means we have gerrymandering and so forth we can make voting more fair but still it's way better like you don't have any say as to the direction of Amazon and what Amazon does but you do have some say as to what the American government does more so than Amazon that's why the American government is actually less oppressive and less problematic than something like Amazon the only reason Amazon isn't so bad perhaps in your mind is simply because they haven't really gotten to the size of the American government remember bending over is a massive thing so basically what we need if we want a good society a fair peaceful society we need some sort of benevolent overarching force which is serving as a neutral referee for all the independent agents making sure that they play nice it's sort of like the parents watching over their kids in the sandbox yes the parents set limitations on what the kids can do you can't just you know hit another kid with a pail full of sand in the face can't do that sorry yeah it restricts your freedom but you know what else that it buys you it buys you the ability to have a nice time with friends in the sandbox build sandcastles without having some [ __ ] come and destroy it that's literally it that's what we're talking about because the military fundamentally cannot be privatized because if it were that would be a dictatorship basically in effect or a tyranny the federal government is non-negotiable so either you're gonna have a strong federal government which is democratic or you're gonna have essentially a private government which is going to be ownership of the military military dictatorship you can have one or the other and the military in case you haven't understood is socialism and collectivism this is what's so funny about conservatives and right-wingers who think that socialism is some absolute wrong or evil dude the history of mankind is a history of community and socialization we come together and we work together to protect ourselves and to do better for ourselves to build a better future and community for ourselves that is the essence basically of socialism in a sense every society is socialistic and the military is highly highly socialized although actually right now there's a problem the American government is actually starting to privatize the military as if that's a good idea see the more you privatize the military the more corporations are playing a role in the military the more the corporations financial interests are what is guiding the direction of the entire u.s. foreign military policy that leads us into terrible wars and all sorts of other things so stop Eamonn izing collectivism also stop straw banning collectivism it might sound like I'm sitting here and arguing for some super communist state of super collectivism some sort of hive mind Borg a collective no I'm not arguing for that at all I'm saying that what we have right now America right now is collectivist already America hundred years ago you know whenever you thought America was great it was what 1950s or the 1900s or the 1800s whenever you thought America was great it was already highly collectivist then you just don't realize you know on a minute because you made some boogey man out of collectivism libertarians tend to think that private police private fire departments private roads private courts private education private prisons not only would they work but they would be preferable to public versions of this this is absurd absurd absurd absurd if you go to third-world countries what you see is actually you see the effects of sort of privatization in these various areas like the police or education or prisons or courts this is actually known as corruption see what libertarians fundamentally misunderstand is that the nature of what corruption is libertarians him to think that big government is more corrupt than little government this is actually the opposite of the case if you study the literature if you study how governments grow development evolve which you realize that the smaller the government local government has more corruption not less because it's less accountable because it's smaller it's easier to corrupt it's much easier to corrupt one sheriff or one judge in a small thousand person town in the middle of nowhere it's much harder to corrupt some judge or sheriff in a giant city like New York City because they have internal affairs departments they have regulators looking over them they have other judges other police people it wouldn't even be that advantageous to bribe or corrupt a single judge or a single sheriff in New York City because you you wouldn't even know whether that judge or that sheriff would be even looking over your case whereas in a small town there's probably only one judge one sheriff you know exactly who you need to bribe in countries that are less developed like India Russia Brazil China the Philippines elsewhere corruption is rampant the reason it's rampant is because the very nature of humans when they're tribal the closer you get you roll back the more you roll back the clock the closer you get to our original tribal roots in tribes corruption is it's just the norm what corruption basically is is it's cronyism its favoritism so for example if I'm if I'm the chief of my tribe and you come to me and you want something for me we can make a deal together you can offer me something I can offer you something I can make you a deal you don't want to refuse that sort of stuff this kind of mafia stuff where did the mafia come from it comes from Italy rural parts of Italy which were basically kind of tribalistic they weren't very develop there wasn't much regulation and everybody was sort of creating a little family so my family that's literally what corruption is is when you treat some small segment of the population as your family and everybody else as external so you can exploit the external ones for the benefit of the internal ones that's fundamentally what corruption is it's favoritism it's playing favorites it's a lack of neutrality it's selfish bias survival and in places where regulation is lacking like in Russia India China Brazil elsewhere corruption is rampant and it's horrible it's horrible in Russia for example police will just stop you on the street and the only reason they stopped you is because they're expecting a bribe you just bribed them with cash and they keep driving this is standard practice in Russia at least when I was there some 10 or 15 years ago last time I was there I'm standard practice I'm pretty sure it's still that way today and it's that way in in most countries in most third-world countries you can't start a business unless you bribe some official impossible impossible to maintain your business you might say oh but leave these all these problems only get worse with bigger government no that's where you're wrong they get better with bigger government because there's more regulation more oversight more transparency more infrastructure and bureaucracy gets created you [ __ ] libertarians with your bureaucracy you've got this attitude of Antibes you're actually you you think you're actually is a bad thing bureaucracies not a bad thing you need to study what a bureaucracy is and why it exists bureaucracy was invented to eliminate corruption the reason is so rigid the reason when you go into the DMV and there's a certain protocol that you have to follow the sand and lie and wait for a ticket that you know the clerk has to help you they have to like do things in this sort of very rigid way is because that's how you eliminate corruption if it was just willy nilly if you could just kind of go to the DMV maybe slip the guy a you know 50 bucks to put you forward in line and then you know you pay about you slip another hundred bucks to get you a the kind of driver's license you want put put the kind of age you want on it and so forth happens in most other countries around the world it's it's it's it's horribly inefficient and it harms the entire community it's like an internal friction if we think of of a society or a community as as a fluid you know in physics fluid fluids have a property called viscosity different kinds of viscosity high viscosity means it's very thick fluid like honey or oil and then low viscosity is like water it's very thin so the ideal community would have low viscosity where everything is functioning smoothly without a lot of energy lost to friction but in a in a small when the government is small there's more corruption and that corruption eats up a lot of resources because everybody's cheating everybody else basically with this corruption everybody's playing favorites trying to get for themselves in doing that by being so selfish we end up hurting everybody collectively but to solve that we need more regulation not less we need bigger government not smaller another thing that libertarians fundamentally misunderstand is the function of the ego mind and selfishness the libertarian takes selfishness totally for granted the libertarian does not understand how selfish humans are how blind they are to their own selfishness and how exploitative the human mind will be the human mind will exploit any system in the free market any without any moral qualms if a system can be exploited it will be exploited so for you libertarians that the challenge for you is to think through your policies and the system you want to construct and to don't ask how would a decent person operate in the system ask how would the most narcissistic bloodthirsty ruthless sociopathic psychopathic selfish person egotistical person how would that person operate and this is how would he explain your system that's the real problem if you don't create a system which keeps those people in check they will monopolize the entire system and they will become tyrants do not assume that just because you're good just because you're living up to your libertarian moral standards and that you treat people nicely and that you would never do such a thing that there aren't egos in the world who would there are millions of them who would libertarians fundamentally misunderstand relativity I have a whole episode called relativity understanding relativity part 1 I'm gonna release a part 2 as well in the future relativity just basically means that everything in a sense is relative to something else there's no absolute good or bad good and bad is relative to your identity and your survival agenda go check out my episodes called understanding survival part 1 part 2 which explain this the relativity of survival in enormous detail very important you will transform your whole life by watching those two episodes if you're a libertarian yeah so I hate to break it to you but there's no such thing as good and bad they don't exist this is all an invention of your own mind they've never existed good and bad are simply what your ego thinks is good and bad for its survival good and bad is socially and mentally constructed natural law does not exist natural rights do not exist property rights do not exist these are all human inventions they all have to be invented and they all had to be codified into an infrastructure part of which is culture which is why you have these in the first place the reason you as a libertarian think that there are such things as natural laws and actual rights and property rides and good and bad and morality and all this the reason you think that is simply because this was programmed to you by the infrastructure the software of your community that's why you think that and in and because of that you think it's objective you think it existed all the time or that it exists somewhere outside of the human mind it doesn't and what's worse is that every community has their own set of natural laws and natural rights and property rights and good and bad what they consider those things now of course you could make the case that well allele every society on the planet believes that murder is wrong or that rape is wrong actually that's not true every the more true statement is that every Society of the plan to come it's murder in different ways and then they just rationalize it and justify it as whether it's okay or not okay in different ways see this is all highly relative is giving a criminal the death penalty like it's giving a drug addict or not not drugging it but is giving a drug trafficker the death penalty as they do in China is that good or is that bad is that morally right or wrong is that fair or unfair whatever idea you have it's completely relative there is no way that it actually is it is how you think it is and unless you think that it is that way it isn't any way at all that's what relativity means you know it's it's funny to me of course if you're a strong libertarian or gonna deny this but just consider the following point in science in the most hard-core of scientific disciplines in physics science has long ago proven and accepted as consensus that physical space and time itself are relative this was demonstrated by people like liveness in terms of the relativity of space and Albert Einstein in terms of the relativity of time despite this most people still our culture by large doesn't appreciate the significance of the relativity of these two things space and time so think about this physical space and time are [ __ ] relative and yet you somehow think that your human idea of good and bad and moral and immoral that this is not relative but absolute come on get real you're so full of [ __ ] really appreciate what Einstein discovered time physical time the [ __ ] clock that is sitting on your wall or on your wrist is relative yeah so your entire moral system is completely arbitrary and relative and it's worse than arbitrary it's completely selfish it's completely corrupted and self biased by your selfish agenda and the only way we fix that is through better infrastructure the next thing that libertarians really get wrong is they they fundamentally misunderstand the complexity and scale of reality and commune I'm into said community of community they take complexity and scale for granted many of these libertarians are anarchists they will reason about their political ideas and policies using this various kind of simplistic notion like well there's two farmers living out in the woods and then like one farmer comes to the other farmer steals his land and like this very simple low scale it's a scale we're talking about you know a hundred people at a scale of hundred people there's a lot of stuff that works on a scale of a hundred people or a thousand people that does not work at a scale of a million or a billion or eight billion people and the complexity that exists in these simplistic examples of like oh well yeah some farmers is building a road and then his neighbor comes by and they get into an argument and they settle the argument blah blah blah blah blah this is this is not the complex that you have society in the 21st century we're talking about gigantic bureaucracies organizations within organizations within organizations we're talking about thousands millions of regulations we're talking about multiple levels of policing and enforcement and regulation and you might say well this is yeah this is all bad stuff no it's not bad stuff this is absolutely critical the reason this much layer is necessary is because it's complex reality is complex our society is so complex in a little village you don't have a lot of complexity there aren't cars and motorcycles and airplanes and you know prisons and internet providers there aren't all this complex stuff the more our society grows the more complex our community becomes the more complex our government needs to be to properly regulate it it's actually similar to writing software code a complex operating system has many many layers within it of regulation you can't just have some software app that you load onto onto a Mac or onto a Windows machine and this app just has total freedom to do whatever the [ __ ] it wants it doesn't have access to just all parts of RAM and all parts of the CPU and all the bios and all that stuff no it's highly highly restricted because the potential for abuse is enormous if you give that kind of power or freedom freedom's a better word that kind of freedom to an app which is why Microsoft patches Windows like every single week they're patching windows they're just patching and patching and every this is the bane of every software company in the world is they just they keep patching [ __ ] non-stop they have to keep patching [ __ ] why do they issue all these patches because they're constant being exploited by hackers the function of a good operating system is precisely that it sets rules and regulations for what your apps can do this restricts the freedom of the app but also it creates for a more stable ecosystem when you allow any app to do whatever it wants in an operating system the opera system gives you the blue screen of death everyday which used to happen a lot and something like Windows 95 if you remember those days and then Microsoft made their systems more complex they started to separate various layers of the BIOS and the software curtain up OS kernel and all this this herd is a separate compartmentalize everything draw borders around every app restrict what any app can possibly do such that now Windows is pretty damn stable I can run Windows for like a month and not experience a crash why because of all these restrictions that Microsoft has thankfully put in place I don't want to be working on Windows 95 even though Windows 95 was probably a lot freer you could run it right like any kind of virus you wanted for Windows 95 hijack the entire system you see as software gets more complicated as hackers get more complicated Microsoft has to get more complicated with its code in a sense government has to get more complicated Microsoft is to substitute for government here they have to get more complicated with their regulations become more restrictive but don't try to think of this as some authoritarian scheme it's not it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be a tyranny don't straw me on this libertarians lack systemic thinking go check out my episode called system's thinking right it's called an intro to systems thinking to be exact which goes into a lot of depth on system singing which I can't explain here but fundamentally you know because the libertarian is just thinking from his own selfish point of view and kind of what's good for him and what he thinks is right his own personal philosophy he's not thinking about like how different people have different philosophies different worldviews not everyone is a libertarian not everyone has the same moral system there's complex systems that work within society they're there for a reason a lot of times they work in counterintuitive ways where you think you're gonna you know you're gonna make something better but it ends up backfiring make something worse the one of the secrets to or one of the principles of systems thing is that before you start to change a system you have to go observe the system and study the counterintuitive ways in which it works which is exactly what a libertarian does not do for example libertarians not gonna go study a system like Social Security or some health care system of the government to really think about how that system works and what benefits it provides what limitations it has and so for what the trade-offs are how to maybe improve the system liberal care doesn't care about celebrity and just has this dumb ideological position of like well more complexity more government bad more regulation bad less regulation good small government good like this is this is grossly inadequate to deal with the complexities of a modern civilization ah cracy is absolutely necessary at mass scale scale is the crucial thing here the dynamics completely change what works at a tribe of a thousand people is not going to work in New York City you need completely new solutions so your simplistic libertarian and inner and artistic examples they just don't fly it might work in the countryside with a hundred people but it ain't going to work in the cities and societies we live in today libertarians also don't understand whole lawns I'll have a video on Holland's in the future but what Holland's mean is that all of reality is man of whole ons a whole on as a whole in a part simultaneously everything in reality is about the whole and a part so for example you could say my body is a whole you can say it's a human called leo okay here it is it's a whole on it's made of parts parts like organs heart kidneys liver etc so I have organs each of those organs has sub parts you know the hearts the liver has its own individual parts each of those parts has its own parts which are individual cells each cell has individual parts which are organelles all of those organelles are made up of smaller parts called proteins those are made of amino acids those made of smaller parts called what what I mean I mean you ask this minute like carbon and nitrogen that kind of stuff basically atoms or molecules of stuff organic molecules those are made of atoms then atoms are made out of subatomic particles protons electrons quarks and and down and down and goes and up and up it goes you know Leo is part of something bigger part of a the planet part of the community part of a lot part of the universe these are all whole ons but you might say that's obvious but but what's not so obvious is that there's a trade-off every hole on in the universe is very delicately balancing the trade-off between its own individuality or autonomy as they call it and community so you see the cells that make up my face right now on the one hand they have a certain amount of autonomy they're able to do their own thing every cell in my face has its own individual ability to open eye on channels allow certain chemicals and materials to come in certain to come out it can you know replicate it can heal itself repair itself and so forth every cell has that in the entire body a trillion trillions of these cells that's pretty amazing but at the same time every cell is part of a larger whole and working to towards a larger goal beyond itself so if a cell just really nearly decides it like hey I'm gonna do whatever the [ __ ] I want I'm not gonna be a part of this collective community called Leo I'll just do whatever the [ __ ] I want I know you know what I want I just want to reproduce I don't give a [ __ ] about these other cells I'm just gonna multiply as much as I want you know that's called cancer that's cancer in order for some larger order thing to emerge which is called a human being sitting here speaking to you every cell in this body of a trillion cells has to coordinate with each other I mean this is this is staggering it's staggering when you think about this the scope of reality is [ __ ] staggering is just a single human being in a giant universe of trillions of other beings it's staggering what my body is doing right now just to deliver these words to you you're you should have be having chills running up your spine right now as you're realizing what I'm telling you because it's so profound every cell is coordinated and playing part it's giving up its individual freedoms to be part of a larger community which is the organs that are making up my body which then also give up their own individual autonomy no my heart can't just do whatever the [ __ ] it wants it can't beat at a certain rate that it might want to it has to beat at the rate it needs to in order for my mouth to move my mouth muscles need to coordinate with my brain need to coordinate with my hands all this my eyes all of it needs to coordinate together to be able to produce something like this conversation that we're having right now and the only way that's possible is because there is an exquisite balance between autonomy and community happening at the entire scale of reality at every level of hold on get that this is this is so fundamental and yet this is exactly what libertarians don't understand because libertarians they create this false choice as though autonomy is good and community is bad and surrendering any kind of autonomy for the sake of some higher good that this is somehow terrible it's not terrible this is what creates your body literally you are made out of the thing which is contradicting your entire libertarian worldview you the thing you think is an individual is actually a community of a trillion cells working together selflessly sacrificing so that you can be there spouting your [ __ ] libertarian ideology that's how [ __ ] delusional you are how ignorant you are of what's really going on you're like a tiny speck with an agile ocean and you think that you are the whole ocean no your ass tiny little speck community requires sacrifice reality is constantly evolution is constantly pushing reality to create more complex life forms more complex communities and social institutions and there's no end to this it's gonna keep happening so get rid of this fantasy that we're gonna at some point a thousand years humans are gonna be living as that you know in some bucolic pastoral setting in the grass somewhere on a farm this is not gonna happen in a thousand years humans will probably all be interconnected in some borg hive mind [ __ ] collective you will just be able to you're born you're instantly plugged into the [ __ ] matrix in that matrix you have unlimited [ __ ] power you can just basically be in a virtual world of your own creation you can create whatever virtual world you want you can you can have family you can have sex you can do whatever you want and it'll be as good or better than physical reality that's probably what we're heading to in the very long term we're heading to ridiculously uncomfortable levels of collectivism now we don't have to really worry about that too much in practice because we're gonna be dead by then so it's not going to be a problem but society is constantly battling itself over higher and higher orders of collectivism like if you just rewind the clock 200 years go back to the Revolutionary War before the United States was a federal single Union every colony the 13 original colonies it was just a Federation of you know colonies every colony wanted to maintain its autonomy and every you can actually go back and read the writings of our founding fathers many of them argued that we shouldn't even have a United States they argued that the whole point was to have the autonomy of the individual colonies and that that was the right way basically they were taking the libertarian position and but then other of our founding fathers they had more vision and they were able to see that no we will be stronger because we have enemies we have France we have Germany we have other Russia enemies from around you know who can dominate us we're gonna be better off if we unite as a as the United States and so they pushed for it there was a lot of resistance there's a lot of you know nail uh teeth pulling basically a lot of teeth had to be pulled to get this to happen because again the the reasoning was very much the libertarian one the people who were against the United States who wanted just the colonies they basically argued that they don't want to be taxed it was a sort of an anti taxation argument and they don't want to give up their individual sovereignty yes colonies to some tyrannical government but of course now 200 years later it's obvious to us that the United States is much stronger and better as a as a Union than it is as an individual 50 countries or colony see the advantage of a union is that it it works more smoothly on the insides you don't have to fight yourself if we had if every state in the Union all 50 of them was its own country you would have to have its own military its own bigger I mean they already do have their own governments but their governments would have to be bigger because they'd have to manage military they have to manage all sorts of internal affairs stuff and there'd be a lot more overhead there it would be highly inefficient and on top of all that these states would all fight with each other what prevents California from new king New York City have you thought about that think about that you've probably never thought about that in your entire life have you I would submit to you that the only thing that prevents that is the fact that we're a union and we have a larger organization that coordinates these things creates a unified sense of identity between us such that we don't even recognize a need to want to bomb a neighboring city because we see that city as being part of who we are but when it comes to Russia now there's something else we can nuke them or when it comes to you know North Korea we could nuke them because they have they're not they're not part of us they're not part of our collective so a lot of energy is wasted by fighting between small parts which is why unification happened in the be in the first place with with human cities and towns and so forth they became more efficient and more powerful less wasteful of energy when they weren't constantly fighting with each other can you imagine if every city in the United States had his own militia the way that cities had to 3000 years ago during the Roman times every city had a perimeter wall built around it with its own militia can you imagine how inefficient this would be how restrictive this would be you couldn't just get in a car and travel across the country to a nice road trip stay in a motel go to New York go to Boston go to Canada drive up there and you couldn't do this this freedom is only afforded by the fact that we were united under one power which has a monopoly of force a monopoly of force is absolutely necessary because the whole point the reason that a community can have peaceful cooperation is because we come together in a community and then we say okay obviously I can't be my own policeman because I'm selfish I could be corrupt if everybody was their own policeman in a small community everyone would have a gun everybody would shoot everybody else as soon as they felt that they were wronged but the problem is that people are selfish and biased so you can't trust people to carry out their own justice so when we come together to come because it's too violent I mean you can do it there are communities like that but it turns into gangs of New York so to make that work we come together and we say okay I'm gonna give up my gun you're gonna give up your gun I'm gonna give up my right to kill your children you're gonna give up your right to kill your my children I'm gonna go up my right to steal from you you're gonna give up your right to steal from me and we're gonna live peacefully together and we're gonna trade and do nice things that we all agree are decent and fine but if any one of us cheats or violates that then we all agreed that we're gonna go to this person here who is the judge or the King whatever he's gonna look at our case he's gonna be neutral and unbiased or he's not gonna be corrupted by any one of us he's gonna be incorruptible he's not gonna take bribes from us he's gonna be an independent power he's gonna look over us and he will determine who is in the right who was in the wrong who violated the rules that we all agree to and wrote down on this giant piece of paper the Constitution or whatever he's gonna look at that check it and then he's gonna issue a verdict and he's gonna say I was right and you're wrong and then if you're wrong you have to pay me restitution and if you refuse he has police he will send to take it from you or the his bank will seize money from your bank and so forth put a lien on your property sell your property to pay for my needs whatever is how peace is created when you don't have this kind of court system in place with a monopoly of force that means that force is divided if there are two different judges we can go to if I can go to this judge or that judge this one's more favorable to me I can bribe him you could bribed that one then this one has its own army that one has its own army now we're gonna have a a war you see so there has to be one Authority because if there's two authorities those two authorities will clash with each other now of course can the judge get corrupted of course he can but that's still far preferable to having individuals carry out their justice themselves and you know what happens in society or community where justice is not fairly carried out in a neutral impartial manner what happens that people take justice into their own hands so for example if we're living in a community where there is not an impartial authority arbiter who can issue fair judgments and also enforce those judgements it's not enough just to issue them he has to enforce them there has to be teeth because if you've wronged me and the judge issues that verdict that now you have to pay me restitution but he has no teeth to enforce it that means I will not feel like I've been compensated and I will feel outraged rightly so because maybe you stole something from me maybe you killed a relative of mine i need compensation for that and if that guy cannot enforce the compensation that i feel i am owed and that most of us agree is you know the rules that we agreed to live by i am going to say [ __ ] this community [ __ ] this society i'm taking this into my own hands I'm gonna go get a knife I'm gonna go to his house I'm gonna slit throat of his children that's how this is settled this is not I'm not funny I'm not kidding this is how it is settled in imprimatur primitive governments there are many places around the world where this is how it's settled these are places which don't have quality court systems or maybe no court systems at all and you can't have a core system without a monopoly force and you can't have a court system without regulations without bureaucracy and big government when you call big government by the way small government versus big government's another thing that's completely relative this is something conservatives understand totally relative what is small government I mean there's there's really no such thing you might call the United States right now a big government but I guarantee you in a thousand years what we have today will look like tiny government and you might say that well the America that existed three hundred years ago right around the revolution that was small government now as those were the good old days where small government was the thing no but the people who lived in that time they thought that was too big of a government there were people alive that time who were complaining about the government being too big back then there were people who were alive a thousand years ago complaining that even their little city-state was too big of a government they wanted more freedom there's always people who [ __ ] and moan about wanting more freedom of course there are it's tempting to to wanna [ __ ] and moan because it's very easy to to overlook what the relinquishing of that freedom really Bayou Soaker it actually is not a function of size corruption is a function of the level of consciousness and selfishness and fear of the individual members who make up the society the less developed people are the less infrastructure there is the more corruption there will be libertarians also fundamentally misunderstand the notion of responsibility and this is one of the core pillars of their whole philosophy in fact I want to quote here one of the early libertarians Nathaniel Branden who otherwise I actually respect he he wrote some great books and he did some great work on self-esteem he wrote the six pillars of self-esteem book you might have heard me talk about a while back great book but he was a libertarian which is a problem he was also a husband he was married to Iran actually so that's where he picked up his his libertarian mind virus but here's what he says about libertarianism he says quote the libertarian mentality is a non entitlement mentality the libertarian mentality presupposes a person's willingness to accept responsibility for his or her own existence and quote I watched a talk of Nathaniel Branden where he gave this quote and he was talking about how the whole problem with people today is that they don't take responsibility enough individual responsibility and that's that's where a libertarian income comes in but this is this is to completely misunderstand human psychology the ego mind fundamentally wants to avoid responsibility people are not responsible that's the whole problem if people were responsible if people were angels if people were moral as you expect them to be then we wouldn't need laws we wouldn't need courts we wouldn't need police we wouldn't need military we wouldn't have this talk but that's fantasy people are exactly the opposite of that people are utterly [ __ ] selfish and what's worse is that they are completely in denial and blind to their own selfishness they think that what they are doing isn't selfish but that it's good it's righteous and it's moral and they think that what everybody else is doing is wrong and evil and irresponsible responsibility requires development and consciousness which most people don't have social problems rather sorry social solutions policy prescriptions need to be written and conceived in such a way as they take into account people who are not very intelligent and not very responsible and not very forward-thinking because that's how the masses of people are there sheep you can't create laws at a society that assumes the best of people because there's not enough of them relative to the general population the general population is not educated didn't go to college many of them barely finished high school they're ignorant there's a lot of stuff they don't understand and they're incapable of taking responsibility for themselves the whole point of government is to safeguard for those who are unable to take the responsibility that someone who's more responsible is able to take so for I'm gonna give you two concrete examples here to drive this whole point about responsibility the first is social security in the United States Social Security was passed some 60 years ago or 70 years ago after the Great Depression why did they pass Social Security because at that point the population was aging and because the depression so forth people didn't save up enough money so basically something like a quarter or even half of the elderly population of America were poor living on the streets just begging for food and scraps because they didn't save up for retirement now the libertarian will come in here and say AHA that's because they have failed at taking personal responsibility if they took more personal responsibility we would not need to create some social program to give them Social Security everybody can just invest by themselves Leo we can inter step up you can have a 401k invest in it for 40 years and then you'll have a nice cushy retirement that is the proper free market solution to the problem what kind of [ __ ] fantasy world are you living in where you are gonna entrust people to save to put money for 40 [ __ ] years into an account and then to manage that account so that's not lost it's not cheated out you know by Wall Street wolves it's not cheated from them not scammed whatever you're gonna you're gonna trust the average person to invest for 40 years to think 40 years down the road to make the connection between what they're doing now and how they're gonna feel when they're 65 or 70 years old and they're not gonna be able to work anymore you expect some kid who's 30 years old full of energy full of vibrant health and all this you know eager to have sex and drugs and you expect that kid to be able to start putting money away for retirement I mean you're an idiot if that's what you expect it's not gonna happen this is the perfect situation in which somebody who's more responsible a more forward looking looking 40 years down the road is very [ __ ] hard it's very hard to discipline yourself like that very few humans can do that which is why it's nice to have some really smart people in government who will think this [ __ ] up for you create systems that make it easy and automatic we just deduct it from your from your paycheck every every month you don't need to think about it too much you don't need to do anything you don't need to worry about it but it'll just accumulate then it'll pay off you'll get the benefits once you retire and in this way a lot of you know millions literally tens of millions of elderly people were saved from premature death health problems running out of money and littering our streets as as homeless people now see here again here's where the communal aspect becomes so important if you're a libertarian and all you care about is your own individual responsibility you might say well well so what yes so Leo let's just let all those people screw themselves why should I as the responsible one have to pay taxes to you know to fund their mistakes and they're ignorant that's a fair point but consider this you're not living alone you're living in a community so consider the consequences of your proposal here you say we're gonna get rid of Social Security because you don't like the fact that you have to pay money into it every month you feel that it's oppressive you feel that the government is forcing it from you okay but then in 40 or 60 years you are gonna be living in a society where half the elderly population is sick crippled disabled and living on the streets in your neighborhood how are you gonna feel about that you think homeless problems are a problem now you think panhandling is a problem now wait till you get a load of what happens when you get rid of Social Security see you yourself will not want to live in that world you have to be realistic about what people are able to do as individuals most people are highly irresponsible it takes a lot of sophistication education development and grooming to grow into a responsible adult just like kids in the sandbox it's absurd for parents just let kids play in the sandbox unattended to do whatever they want and just to say oh well you know the kids they should be responsible for themselves and you know what if I if a kids get gets you know gets his heads his skull smashed in by a rock some other kid you know throws at him he wasn't taking enough personal responsibility that's his problem see this is this is utter selfishness it's an utter lack of compassion it's a letter ACK of lack of knowledge Minh that you're part of a community you're not living by yourself the libertarian whenever he's pushed into a corner I've notice this in their debates whenever you get pushed into a corner they always sort of say well in the end in the end you just take personal responsibility and you just sort of you deal with the consequences of your poor decisions that's though it's always like their fallback strategy because a lot of times they want to eliminate all these policies and proposals and programs that are there to safeguard people and they take on this attitude of arrogance where they think that they themselves are invincible they think that it's like well yeah it's okay if if if we don't have a health care system a national health care system because you know I got good health and those people who get sick there are the people who you know smoke cigarettes and drink drink alcohol and do drugs and eat too much that's why they're sick so that's their problem it's not my problem yeah until you get cancer until you have a child who's born with a genetic birth defect and you can't afford to pay for his medication because the job you're working at doesn't pay you enough to pay these exorbitant prices and some of these drug companies are gouging us for in order to you know make a killing because by the way the entire health care system in America is a syndicate you understand this speaking of mafias we have a healthcare mafia in this country and you libertarians are responsible for for perpetuating it of course this is not a responsibility that you are willing to take so the irony of libertarians is that even though they preach personal responsibility they are utterly collectively irresponsible there's not one type of responsibilities there's two fundamental types personal responsibility and collective responsibility the libertarian shirks collective responsibility tries to pretend as though it doesn't exist see it's foolish to expect people to have enough foresight to save up a bunch of money in the case that they have a child and that child is born with a genetic birth defect that requires them to pay thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to correct it it's completely collectively irresponsible to expect that of individuals we need a system that will make that easy to deal with by having compassion and empathy for each other understanding that hey you know what just because I'm in a good position right now today just because I have millions of dollars just because I have healthy you know but I'm healthy and my children and family are healthy just because that's the case today doesn't mean that tomorrow something terrible won't happen I might lose my job I might lose my health I might discover some rare cancer that I have I might you know my children might get run over by a car whatever happens but then I might need help with that the whole point of a community is that it's safeguards us against calamitous life destroying accidents and tragedies that are common in nature if you were living in the jungle a bear might just you know come out of the wilderness and maul you nearly kill you in which case it's very handy to have some tribesmen your own family or something that can come grab you drag you back heal you up bring you back to life get you back on your feet you know feed you food for months and so forth rehabilitate you then you can rejoin them you can repay them by you know participating in society and then you can help them when they get mauled by a bear or something that's one of the functions but when you say like oh that guy got by a bear they said you're like oh well but individual responsibility man you got mauled by a bear well why were you walking next to the Bears cave you shouldn't have done that that's your problem now you deal with it this is the selfishness of the latarian libertarian philosophy it's utterly irresponsible and to really drive this point home let's of course talk about the elephant in the room right now which is Cove in nineteen if anything has demonstrated the the complete unten ability of libertarian philosophy its koban nineteen especially in America and America's response a lot of America's current response with the Trump administration is directly coming from a sort of libertarian philosophy this sort of like laissez-faire like oh well the virus is out there we'll just let the states deal with it the local governments can deal with it you know we're not gonna do much testing we're not gonna we're not gonna ask for masks we're going to pass any any serious legislation we're not gonna really push too hard for anything we're gonna let private companies just make a vaccine whenever they want on their time good it's kind of this kind of like it's everyone's individual responsibility it's your responsibility to wear a mask you can wear what if you want to if you don't want to don't wear one that's on you you'll suffer the consequences this this this this attitude we can clearly see now the flaws of this attitude especially with a virus because we live in a [ __ ] community we're not individuals we're interconnected when I get sick you get sick when you get sick I get sick if I am not wearing a mask because I don't give a [ __ ] maybe I won't get sick but I will cause you to get sick because I have no symptoms I don't even know what I don't get tested but I caused you to get sick because the point of a wearing mask is not for me but more for you the point of you wearing a mask is not for you but for me see so we're reciprocating that's how community works but people who are stuck on libertarianism they understand that the function how reciprocity works I scratch your back you scratch mine and so we see the clear results of that and we see in nations which have a coordinated effort against kovat like in China like in Europe like in New Zealand and other places of course New Zealand was very small so it's easier for them but you know China of course China's very authoritarian but still it shows you the power and effectiveness of a coordinated response if China had a libertarian philosophy I don't know how many millions more would die in China than they have I mean not that many have died in China but I mean if they had a libertarian philosophy running the Chinese government I'm telling you millions of Chinese would be dead maybe tens of millions so just think that through also I hear some of you libertarians will say olio but there said that classic quote by Brent Ben Franklin whoever who says something like that along the lines of like he who would sacrifice individual freedom for security will end up with neither or something like that it sounds good on paper again in pure philosophy land it sounds good but in the real world freedom has zero value unless you're secure you can't care about freedom of you're dead it makes little difference to you all the freedoms you have if you don't have any security so security is actually more fundamental than freedom it's more important for life and for organisms security comes first then freedom is a luxury you're gonna struggle to be a libertarian if you catch go in 19 cuz it's gonna kill you see to be a libertarian you first have to be alive so most libertarians today what they do is that they take their own privilege seriously for granted which is why it's mostly young white males who tend to lean towards libertarianism more so than females or people of color because females and people of color they have more of a sense of their weaker position within society they they understand how easily they can be oppressed because they were in the past for long periods of time they're physically weaker usually they don't control the levers of power as much in America at least and so and so yeah they clearly see that they need help they need help from a benevolent government to regulate things and to equalize the playing field they want a referee you know who doesn't want a referee the guy who's dominating the [ __ ] field why would he need a referee cuz hey I'm beating everybody I'm bullying everybody so I don't need a referee but that's super irresponsible to behave that way that makes you an entitled bully you're not really part of a community you're acting highly selfishly let's see what else we have yet to cover so much material here but it's all real good it's really I think drilling this material into your mind here if you want the closest example of a real world example of libertarianism in action go look at Liberia or Somalia or the Congo that's what Eric ISM looks like that's what society and life looks like for people when they don't have a high quality bureaucracy and infrastructure no police no courts and so forth in a sense there's sort of a common common trend between libertarians and communists they're both utopian they're both idealists they both have these sort of lofty notions of how like yeah all of us will just work together peacefully and coexist no no no it doesn't work because humans are fundamentally selfish the problem with communism is that it assumes that people are gonna be to sell to selfless they aren't that selfless enough communism might exist once people become super selfless but if can't exist now is why I failed in Russia for example in practice in Russia what happened was that they had the ideal of communism where we were all gonna work in in a co-op together and where no one's gonna be the boss of anybody else and and we're gonna all share in the spoils of our labor and all that but in practice would happen know that people were so selfish and so corrupt that it just again it devolved into syndicates and then pyramid like power structures where one guy the table basically some mafia guy took control of that part of society and he got all the rewards everybody else was was left high and dry there's a very good reason why libertarian states don't exist you might say well but Leah what if we what if we create a libertarian state I've actually I've seen some like big billionaire libertarians actually come up with like stupid ideas like this where they believe I an island somewhere in the middle of nowhere and we're gonna build the perfect libertarian state it'll be maximum freedom there'll be freedom of speech and freedom of this and freedom of that if you actually do that what's gonna happen is that it's going to devolve into tribes factions syndicates and mafias that little society that you have let's say you put a thousand people on an island somewhere in the in the Pacific there's no rules because everyone wants freedom you can do whatever you can have sex whatever you want you can you know make money however you want or whatever eventually what happens is it because everybody's selfish they're they start acting out selfishly without any concern or regard for how their selfishness is impacting the selfishness or the the the feelings and the needs of other people so they start exploiting each other and then as individuals explore each other more they're gonna combine into collectives into syndicates there'll be factions eventually factions will eat up other factions until in the end your eyelid will just have two factions the red faction the blue faction and these two factions will fight for each other whoever wins will dominate slaughter the other faction and then that one factual say the red faction wins the red faction will then crown itself king and it'll be a tyranny and there will be no freedom that's the reality of it another thing that libertarians don't have any clue about at all is developmental psychology that's a deep topic I have a lot to say about that which I will in the future but also I have in the past through my spiral dynamics series go check out all my videos on spiral dynamics you basically need to to really understand the problem with libertarianism and where libertarianism fits in to the to the different stages of human development but what libertarians misunderstand is that humans are fundamentally not all the same we are at different levels of development and these levels are very significant each development developmental level corresponds with its own view of reality basically each level is living in a different reality in a sense and society is composed at these different levels there's also cognitive levels of development moral levels spiritual development cultural development and there's different states of consciousness that people are at this creates an enormous amount of diversity such that just because you as a libertarian might be at a relatively high level of development that doesn't mean like maybe morally that doesn't mean that everybody else is and of course however high you are there's much higher to go beyond where you currently are and so basically libertarianism is what's called the Spile dynamic stage orange level of development cognitive development and moral development it's a pretty low stage there's nothing there's nothing unique about your libertarian philosophy it's not intelligent it's not wise it's not special it's extremely predictable you've been inspected with a mind virus from this iron Rand Nathaniel Branden camp and this is a popular mind virus that's going around American culture these days it has for about 60 or 70 years and it corresponds with the current stage of development of our culture and our society and if you want you can learn about higher levels that you can access part of my function here is to help you to access those higher levels which you can but in order to access those levels you have to first admit that libertarianism is insufficient that is dysfunctional in many ways it's unhealthy and that there's there's higher there's something better but for that you have an open mind which of course most libertarians don't which is why you're a libertarian to begin with and by the way iron Rand lion ran was a reactionary ideological reactionary who was right at that perfect time in history where society American society was making a transition from stage blue to orange she grew up in Soviet communist Russia she moved here Soviet communist Russia was basically staged blue and red she moved here American society was still staged blue moving into orange she liked the capital system the orange system so she would all in and wrote several of these massive pretentious novels about the value of individualism and moral responsibility and personal responsibility and and [ __ ] the collectivism and all that because she was reacting as communism understandable but was still reactionary and so she was basically just she was just parroting stage Orange ideology that's all that our books are and there is some value in reading those books but overall they're there they're way way way what's it called over overpraised over appreciate a something like that I'm forgetting the words yeah so it there's much better stuff out there if you're taking iron Rand as your source of understanding of politics and human nature you [ __ ] up badly time to find better sources alright so there we go that's that's basically what I wanted to communicate let me address a couple of objections that I know libertarians will have number one is that they will say but Leo just because a libertarian state has never existed in human history doesn't mean that it's impossible in the future after all for example slavery existed like you said for thousands of years and then it was abolished it you know it seemed like slavery was impossible to abolish 200 years ago and now here we are with no slavery so Leo why are you artificially limiting the potential of mankind by saying that a libertarian state will never be possible okay that's the interesting objection so my response to that is that actually in the very far distant future if we're talking about thousands or 10,000 years from now when human humans will not even be recognizable as humans we will have a totally different levels of consciousness levels of development and cognition everything different technology in in that very far distant future may be something like a loosening of regulations will be possible because people will be so conscious and so loving and so quote unquote good inherently good and to understand this you would need to understand spirituality which I can't explain here but basically I do foresee a future in the very far future where humans are something that approximates humans will be so loving and so conscious that they will not need very much of a government if you've smoked DMT if you've heard people talking about DMT entities or DMT aliens the overwhelming reports about these entities or aliens are there other highly intelligent highly evolved conscious beings which are way beyond humans or any other life-form which basically live in a separate dimension from this material one and that they are they are so conscious and so loving that you know I would imagine that something like DMT entities they don't need much of a government also you know it it it matters how many of them there are if there are like seven billion DMT entities they probably need some kind of government if there are you know if they're only handfuls of them then they probably don't so it depends so in the future if mankind let's say let's say mankind you know stops reproducing so so rapidly and they our population really shrinks in the future where we build a society that which is you know much less populated then we can get away with smaller government but it ain't gonna happen in the next hundred years so forget about it is completely impractical or were nowhere near that and also just because slavery was abolished yeah I mean society I'm not saying society can't improve society is always improving but you have to be careful about what you think will actually lead to more improvement or I will actually lead to a de-evolution you see slavery how was slavery abolished it wasn't abolished through some sort of free market or some sort of libertarian philosophy slavery was abolished by by forcefully forcing people who wanted to just have the freedom to own slaves to forcing them to comply and to surrender that freedom in a sense we had to oppress slave owners to eliminate slavery and you better believe that those slave owners felt very outraged that they were being oppressed that's right those slave owners felt oppressed they felt oppressed that somebody was trying to take away their slavery because they didn't see slavery as bad or wrong they saw slavery as just the natural condition of man and the natural prerogative of the white man so how dare you take away the natural rights of a white man to own slaves how dare you that's their attitude another objection is that centralized federal planning is not needed our society can work without that through us more distributed system well that's just not true coded 19 is a great counter example there : 19 is a problem that's specifically benefits from strong centralized planning and if you look at China China's success China has been one of the greatest economic successes in the last sixty years they've had huge improvements to their levels of poverty have they have helped elevate millions of Chinese out of poverty into a middle class sort of existence more modernized level of existence they've had a lot of success and the reason that is because that central central federalized planning and you see one of the problems we might have as Americans is that if we don't have a strong central plan or a strong thing that we're working towards as a nation we're just gonna be sort of like a leaf blowing in the wind not going any particular direction while our neighbors and adversaries will be using centralized federal planning to grow themselves rapidly and eventually outpace us and then defeat us that is certainly a possibility so you know everything is evolutionary and it's all evolving so this the most the fittest will survive and so it's it's a question of you know what's gonna what's gonna be more effective to have stronger central planning or to have a more distributed system and it don't just assume that a distributed system will automatically produce better results that is an empirical test that needs to be run that's not something you decide sitting in an armchair doing philosophy um of course there will be the objection from libertarians that leo you're wrong objective morality and objective right and wrong truly exist and the only thing I can tell you there is that no it doesn't if you really wonder saying how morality works I do have a few episodes about morality understanding morality how morality works go check those out also have more in the future check out my episode about relativity I basically expect that you're intelligent enough to understand that if the earth does not have an up and a down because space rotation in space is completely relative there is no notion of up or down in space if you can understand that you should also be able to understand why your moral system is completely relative and that there is no such thing as an objective right or an objective wrong it's relative to what is good for you or what is good for life or what is good for mankind to the extent that you say that mankind has some Universal set of principles that we all agree on that's still relative still completely brought it's not actually Universal by definition it's human it's not universal some aliens as a mother planet will have a completely different system that they will call universal which of course will not be universal this is just the earthbound system at best it's a he it's not even earth even to call it earth is already wrong because it excludes all the animals it's a human purely human system and even there still a lot of disagreement about right and wrong and moral systems within humans we kill each other over that and so yeah there's nothing Universal about it to the extent that it's universal we just say that well really what it is is it's sort of like you set of principles that are maybe pro-life or more accurately Pro human life so yeah if we're saying that okay relative to our objective of creating peaceful societies we can all agree that probably there shouldn't be rape there shouldn't be murder there shouldn't be genocide can we agree to that actually we can't many people will still disagree I still want to do those things but most of us can agree and in that sense we could say we have some sort of universal moral system but it's completely relative and these even if we have these loose ideas they're still there applies so hypocritically you know we kill we kill innocent people left and right through various kinds of programs plans military actions you know war crimes whatever so this is this idea that we're all following some objective universal set of principles moral principles this is this is a childish it's childish it's not true so investigate relative anymore here's a list to conclude of solutions to libertarianism so if you agree with the things I've said here if you are now open-minded and you think that maybe you have been trapped in this ideology of libertarianism and you want to break free of it somehow and you want some practical steps here's what you can do first of all notice that it's a dogma it's an ideology secondly acknowledge that you cling to it that you're emotionally attached to it then decide that you're gonna let it go that's gonna take courage and fearlessness then you should stop consuming sources ideological sources that reinforce your right-wing libertarian ideology you probably consume a lot of those sources because that's probably where you got it in the first place so if you want to get rid of it you know you got to get rid of the sources upgrade your sources to better ones non-ideological ones non libertarian ones find sources that challenge libertarian principles so you can get new perspectives of course you're gonna have to radically open your mind I have episodes about open-mindedness go check those out that will help you to open your mind and why it's so important this will help you not only with politics and government but with your personal life then you should start to contemplate seriously contemplate and think through real-world examples of how ego will exploit whatever political system or geology you have ego is always gonna be exploiting at finding loopholes think through the consequences of your philosophy how would it work in the real world not just in your idealistic examples make sure you account for scale make sure you account for levels of development that people have different levels make sure you don't assume that everyone is capable of responsibility in morality that's not true at all assume that they're gonna be sociopaths Psychopaths narcissists tyrants in your population who will want to take control account for relativity within your moral system don't assume that everyone's gonna subscribe to your moral system you want to assume that your moral system is the one true universal one or that its objective or that anyone wants to even follow it acknowledge that the free market creates oppression this is a fundamental feature of the free market acknowledge that you are part of a community that you're not really an individual and that you could not survive as an individual acknowledge all the luxuries that are afforded to you by being part of this community and be grateful and thankful for them so that you understand that your sacrifices of freedom are actually giving you something in return because if you think that you're sacrificing freedom getting nothing then yeah you think that's a raw deal and you're pissed off about it but if you see that you're sacrificing some freedom and you're getting much more freedom and other good stuff in return then you will be content drop you're clinging to individualism learn to be part of the community more go socialize more stop being some troll that lives in your mother's basement and just you know does political commentary online that's very unhealthy drop you're clinging to freedom as an absolute good freedom is not an absolute good you should be terrified of true freedom you should be grateful for limitation and restriction study history more a lot of your world you simply comes from a lack of proper education and historical understanding study developmental psychology like Spile and hammocks explores biodynamic sage green which is the next stage above yours which is a more socialistic stage which of course you've even eyes so you don't wanna explore it see my episode called spiral dynamic stage green which will help you to make that transition do consciousness work get into spirituality I have taught lots of videos on the topic of spirituality how to do it effectively and empirically that will help to soften you up help to open your mind help to open your heart help to develop empathy compassion and love and ultimately that's that's a huge missing component of the libertarian worldview to be a libertarian your heart has to be closed you have to have very little compassion empathy for humans and fundamentally you have to lack love because if you really were living from a position of love you would start to realize the selfishness of your of your worldview and how really it's based in fear and clinging and ideology and all of that will be fixed by doing spirituality and becoming more loving here's a list of final challenges concrete governing problems that I'm going to give to you if you're a libertarian if you still think that your libertarian philosophy is sufficient to govern a 21st century Society here are specific challenges in government that exist today which will make or break your whole worldview whatever political ideology or philosophy you have it has to be able to handle the following challenges first ecology environment pollution climate change and in general this is called the problem of the tragedy of the Commons how do you construct a society or a community where nobody is individually responsible for the ecology or the environment in the free market everybody is incentivized to just pollute the rivers the oceans and so forth and the atmosphere with no responsibility there needs to be some sort of higher responsibility higher collective agency which looks out for the entire ecology and not just for some one individual agent who's polluting in it that's a huge problem for libertarians and this is exactly why most libertarians will probably be in denial about climate change or environmental issues they don't treat environmental issues seriously because if they did they would realize libertarianism is [ __ ] another issue is systemic racism again many libertarians would say that systemic racism doesn't exist and the reason they say that is of course because if they acknowledge that it did exist their libertarianism would have to fly out the window and also because they're not systemic thinkers to begin with they don't they don't really think about society in terms of systemic problems another problem is hate speech religious intolerance ethnic Wars propaganda cults toxic ideologies and tribalism so how are you gonna have a giant society with millions of people hundreds of millions of people without regulating hate speech religious intolerance ethnic warfare propaganda cults toxic ideologies and tribalism if you don't moderate for these things if you think that the free marketplace will just sort all of this out you have no idea what you're talking about the way that the free marketplace sorts out something like religious intolerance is that one religion fights other religion with a bloody war until one kills the other or there's a genocide that's not a solution here we've already been through that when you don't regulate speech when you don't regulate thought and you just let all sorts of toxic ideologies develop cults will develop religions will develop very toxic ones which will then invite infect the minds of ignorant masses and then lead to all sorts of animosity fear and hatred of others which will create tribalism and which will tear the entire community apart so in a community there needs to be something some moderation or checks put in place to prevent the spread of toxic ideologies that demonize others and that create divisions within this larger unity that we call the United States another problem for you is corporate lobbying and bribery how are you gonna prevent large powerful corporations from the free market from taking their money and bribing the government and corrupting the government with that until they take over the entire government and defeat all in corporations we need regulations for that how about corporate monopolies and capitalism as a whole how do you deal with the problem of capitalism where monopolies become larger and larger and larger then they bribed the government more and more and more to corrupt it to allow them to get even larger and larger and larger how do you deal with that acknowledge that corporations are also oppressive not just federal governments because there's no democratic control over giant corporations also here's another problem how are you going to prevent a corporation from taking over the state because your libertarian ideology says that the state should be minimized minimize minimize minimize well if you minimize it too much what prevents the corporation from taking over if it can it will don't expect on the good kind heartedness of a corporation not to do it you need to take into account cabal's syndicates and mafias how they form and that they will necessarily form if you allow them to form and don't regulate them you should take into account and this problem of income inequality how are you going to deal with ever-increasing income inequality between Americans this is gonna be a problem against worse and worse and worse under capitalism what are you gonna do to fix that the free market is not gonna fix it the free market is gonna make it worse with the free market the richest people will earn even more wealth and the poorest people get oppressed by the rich people how are you going to deal with poverty Social Security and health care these are issues that seem to be very difficult to fix through any kind of private system Healthcare is a mafia how are you gonna fix it hanging and breaking up are you gonna regulate it to the benefit of most people how are you going to deal with the problem of crippled people sick people and mentally ill people people who are almost barely functional these people cannot take any kind of responsibility how are you gonna deal with them are you just gonna kill them or are you gonna let them fend for themselves are you gonna throw them out to the wolves in the woods and just let them do whatever they can or are you gonna come up with some sort of compassionate system for them and don't tell me that some free marketplace solution is gonna help crippled people sick people and mentally ill people it won't these people don't have a lot of money it's hard to extract money from them so corporations are not gonna be that interested in helping them and don't don't tell me that's some private charity work is gonna solve this problem it won't if it could it already would how are you to deal with terrorism terrorism is potentially a serious problem of course oftentimes it's overblown by right-wingers but it can be a serious problem you know it's possible for a terrorist to to get a dirty bomb or even a nuclear weapon detonated in New York well how are you to stop that with libertarian policies how are you to stop nuclear weapons from polluting and in general weapons of mass destruction how can that be prevented with libertarian policies are you gonna apply the problem are you gonna apply the free-market principles here to nuclear weapons are you that stupid how about larger potential problems we could have more pandemics even bigger worse more deadly more virulent pandemics how are you gonna deal with that how are you gonna deal with something like an alien invasion or a meteor impact maybe an alien invasion is a little bit far-fetched okay but a meteor impact that could certainly happen within our lifetimes how are we gonna prevent that are you gonna leave that up to the to the free marketplace to solve that problem for you or are we gonna all come together as a human species and work together to develop some sort of technology that will help to prevent some meteor impact in the future consider the possibility that other nations with good strong central planning like China might significantly outpace America and then defeat America how are you gonna deal with that so those are some things for you to consider and also one thing I forgot is how are you gonna deal with the increasing complexity scale population interconnectedness and globalization of our global community the earth is only going to become more global more interconnected more complex with more people on it at least in the foreseeable future so how is your libertarian set of principles gonna be able to handle that all right that's it that's a long one I'm dead tired whoo that's almost four hours of talking yes the most I've ever done all right so please click that like button for me I've worked real hard on this one come check out actualize a drug that's my website you'll find the blog the book list a lot of good books on this topic there you can find that'll help you to get your mind straight you'll find the the forum there you can support me on patreon accomplished actualized chip in a donation there if you'd like to keep the good content coming the more support I am there the the more I feel like I can share more stuff with you because I don't have to hold as much back for some sort of you know personal gain later on and unless I have to feel like I have to sell out that's it I'm gonna leave it here I hope what you're realizing here is that government and politics is not just a waste of time it is for many people but it's not truly because we live in a community and to live in a community effectively you have to understand how the community works the problem we have right now is we have a lot of individualistic people alien in it living in an Alienist society allowed by sort of the luxury and decadence that we've created for ourselves who have an abysmally ignorant understanding of the realities and complexities of what community means and even of the very value of a community why it's even valuable or desirable to be part of one even that people are alienated from and that's because we have a lot of these sort of staged orange ideologies a lot of ideas about community have been turned into ideologies as the same problem is religion you know once you get the religious mind virus in there it corrupts your whole thinking you're not able to think straight you're not able to contemplate thinking apparently for yourself you're just parroting ideas and that's exactly what libertarians are doing and so hopefully we've helped to deconstruct that for you here and to do a little bit of a D brainwashing and if you'd like to learn more about my brand of politics and what I think the solutions are to many of these problems that I mentioned you know some sort of positive vision not just a critique but a positive vision not just a deconstruction go check out my four-part series a long series I put a lot of work into it called conscious politics parts 1 2 3 & 4 where I discuss in a lot of detail a political asset of political principle an understanding of politics which is not ideology based which integrates many of the rivaling factions that we eat that we see today and gives you sort of a higher meta meta perspective there's a lot of juicy insights there so if you're looking for you know what do I replace libertarianism with go check out that series and you might find something that's different it's not just another ideology like libertarianism but my own it's it's a meta thing you'll see it's well it's something you'll have to discover for yourself you